Wellness Club — Avocados for St. Patrick’s Day
Abingdon, VA. -
Monday, Mar 1, 2021.
Written by: Elizabeth Hall, MS, RDN, LDN, Food City Registered Dietitian
We all wear green on St. Patrick’s Day, but why not eat green as well? Go green with avocados for a naturally green spread that’s delicious and nutritious.
We often think about avocados as a vegetable, but they are actually a type of berry, a fruit, with a seed and soft flesh. The avocado is thought to originate in Mexico, but is now grown all over the world in tropical climates.
Avocados are a source of healthy fats and add a creamy texture and flavor to a variety of dishes. These healthier types of fats, called unsaturated fats, may support heart health by not raising LDL or “bad” cholesterol levels when eaten as a part of a healthy diet. Healthy fats in avocados can also help your body absorb the fat-soluble vitamins: A, D, E, and K. These healthy fats, on average, contribute to most of calories found in an avocado. One whole avocado contains 240 calories or 80 calories per serving which is 1/3 of the fruit. In addition to healthy fats, avocados contain almost 20 vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients. They are a good source of fiber, folate, vitamin K, pantothenic acid, and copper.
When choosing an avocado at the store, observe the skin color. For a ripe avocado, choose fruit that is dark green or nearly black. Next, feel the avocado, the skin should have a bumpy texture and when you squeeze it, the fruit should yield to firm, gentle pressure. Store ripe avocados in the fridge to stop the ripening process.
As far as how to enjoy avocados for St. Patrick’s day, the possibilities are endless! Avocados can add that classic green color so you don’t have to use artificial food coloring. Go green with your food by whipping up some simple guacamole or use avocado as a topping on tacos, soups, or in sandwiches. Add a nutrient boost to your snack or breakfast with an avocado citrus smoothie! Just combine frozen orange slices and kiwi, avocado, orange juice, and plain yogurt in a blender. Top with orange slices and mint leaves for a tasty, healthy treat.