Wellness Club — Recharging Resolutions

Wellness Club — Recharging Resolutions
Abingdon, VA. - Tuesday, Feb 1, 2022.

Written by: Kirby Moir, RDN, LDN Food City Registered Dietitian

The start of a New Year feels like a fresh start to put our best foot forward.  Our aspirations are typically met with the resolution fizzle by February.  To avoid the healthy habit fall-out here are some tips to recharge your resolutions for 2022. 

Start by setting goals and make them SMART.  Goals may feel like a close cousin to a resolution. Where resolutions tend to be broad ideas we hope to achieve.  Goals are more specific steps to reach a result. Think “What I want to do?” and “How am I going to get there?” SMART goals include being Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Timely.

If you started the year with the resolution to be more active or start an exercise regimen. 

- Try to set a weekly goal, include what activity you will do, what days you will do it and for how long.

- Starting small and staying consistent makes goals feel more achievable and realistic when working on new habits. Once you reach a smaller, more achievable goal it can be easier to build from your accomplishments.

- Think achievable, start with fifteen to twenty minutes of movement scheduled three times per week.  


If you started the year with the resolution to eat more nutrient rich meals at home. 

- Write down two to three simple meals you can cook that week. 

- Taking the time to make a list, shop, and prepare items ahead of time. 

- When you know the week ahead is hectic rely on convenient items that make staying on track easier.  Think pre-cut vegetables, frozen items, or foods that can be cooked in bulk to make meal planning easier.

Stay Accountable. Taking time to write down one or two goals for the week is a great starting point, but schedule time to come back and check in on your progress. The approach of “meeting yourself where you are” may mean a strategy change.  Set aside thirty minutes per week to reflect on what small changes you can make to stay on track.  Self-accountability happens when you take time to recommit to goals.