Wellness Club — The Benefits of Eating More Seafood

Wellness Club — The Benefits of Eating More Seafood
Abingdon, VA. - Tuesday, Mar 1, 2022.

Written by: Nicole Pazdziorko, RDN, LDN, Food City Registered Dietitian

While most people who replace meat with fish for Lent do so for its spiritual significance, there are also many health benefits that come from incorporating more fish and seafood into our eating plans. Not only is seafood an excellent source of lean protein but it’s also low in saturated fat and provides many nutrients including B vitamins, choline, calcium, and vitamin D, along with Omega 3 fatty acids. 


Omega 3s

Omega-3’s are a type of polyunsaturated fat which are not produced by the body and therefore, we need to consume them in the foods that we eat. The impact of omega-3 consumption on health has long been investigated due to the inverse relationship between seafood consumption and heart disease. Omega-3’s are anti-inflammatory and have protective health benefits for the heart, including lowering triglycerides and raising HDL cholesterol (the good kind), and may also help to lower blood pressure. While oily cold-water fish, like salmon, herring, tuna, mackerel, and herring are high in omega-3’s, leaner fish like cod, tilapia and haddock, and most shellfish contains smaller amounts. 


Calcium and Vitamin D

Many types of fish and seafood are also excellent sources of calcium and vitamin D - two of the nutrients of concern for Americans - especially those with edible bones, like canned sardines. In the winter months in the northern hemisphere, when we are exposed to less sunlight, it can be hard to produce enough vitamin D, therefore it is important to consume adequate amounts through the foods we eat. One can of sardines contains 22 percent of the daily value of vitamin D and 27 percent of the daily value of calcium. 


Easy Ways to Add More Seafood

The American Heart Association and Dietary Guidelines for Americans advise adults to consume eight ounces of seafood per week, and yet, nearly 90 percent fall short of this.

Try these to add more fish and seafood:

Add canned mackerel, sardines or tuna to a salad or sandwich.

Enjoy smoked salmon with your bagel for breakfast.

Replace beef or chicken with fish for taco night.


Add mussels or shrimp to pasta.