Welcome to Food City's Registered Dietitian blog

A definitive resource for information, advice and fresh recipes to support healthy eating and lifestyles.

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Our Healthy Initiatives team and Registered Dietitians seek to promote health in the familiar environment of a grocery store, where most people make their decisions about food and encourage positive change to improve the quality of life of Food City shoppers and their families. Food City's dietitians are health professionals who have extended education and specialized training. These health and nutrition experts can teach you how to promote your health, and prevent or treat disease through food. 

Check Out The Food City® Registered Dietitians Podcast on YouTube

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Articles and Tips

The Food City Wellness team talks about how GLP-1 medication alone is not enough to maximize the effects or to maintain overall health, underscoring the importance of having a nutrition strategy in place.

Optimizing Nutrition on GLP-1’s

Glucagon-like peptide-1, or GLP-1, medications have garnered much attention in recent years, due in part to endorsements touting the benefits of Ozempic for weight loss. This class of medications is used to treat people with diabetes and obesity to help manage blood sugar and assist with weight loss by increasing satiety, slowing digestion and triggering the body to release insulin, thereby lowering blood sugar. However, medication alone is not enough to maximize the effects or to maintain overall health, underscoring the importance of having a nutrition strategy in place.

The Food City Wellness team has some great advice on the synergistic effect to eating foods that have a combination of different nutrients, efforts to improve diet to meet nutrient needs should be made before dietary supplementation.

Scoop on Supplements

Dietary supplements are often used to improve health, enhance performance or fill gaps in nutrition. Most people’s nutritional needs can be met through eating well-balanced meals, however in situations where diet alone cannot meet these needs, dietary supplements may be beneficial. When considering supplements, it’s important to remember that every person is different and nutrient needs vary from person to person. Supplementation should be in consultation with a healthcare provider and complementary to diet. Because there is a synergistic effect to eating foods that have a combination of different nutrients, efforts to improve diet to meet nutrient needs should be made before dietary supplementation.

Food City’s Dietitian’sdiscuss some heart smart tips in honor of American Heart Month

Heart Smart Tips

February celebrates American Heart Month – a time to spotlight the risks of cardiovascular disease and lifestyle factors that help to manage those risks. A heart healthy diet is one that balances a variety of colorful fruits and vegetables, is rich in fiber from whole grains, beans, and legumes, prioritizes lean and plant-based proteins and includes heart healthy fats.  Aim to focus increasing these nutrient dense foods while cutting back on foods with excess sodium, saturated fat and added sugars. 

The Food City Wellness team has some great advice on how to be aware of excessive sodium in your diet.

Sodium Smart Tips

One key component of our diet that plays a big role in blood pressure health is sodium. While we need sodium in our diets too much of it can cause high-blood pressure and increase risk of cardiac events.

The Food City Wellness team has some great tips for helping you set SMART goals for the New Year.

New Year's Goals and Resolutions

Setting resolutions at the turn of the calendar year is a long-standing tradition. When it comes to making nutrition-related goals, the process can be overwhelming and challenging, but it doesn’t have to be. Try these tips to simplify the resolution making process and to help you create realistic, achievable, and habit-forming goals.

Whether your goal in the new year is to promote longevity, lose weight, or simply to feel better, a key piece of the puzzle is finding a style of eating that you enjoy, is suitable to your individual needs and goals, and one that you can sustain for a long-time and adapt as your needs and goals change.

New Year’s Diet Snapshot

The turn of the calendar year typically brings new resolve to improve eating habits, often in the form of one diet or another. From carnivore and ketogenic to mediterranean, vegan and everything in between, there is no shortage of different eating styles to adopt, each one with proponents touting amazing results. With such a broad range of diets promising improved longevity, reduced inflammation, higher energy levels, and weight loss it can be difficult to discern the best approach.

The Food City Wellness team has some great advice on what foods to eat to help boost spirits and keep you feeling energized through the season.

Feel Good Foods

During the winter months, shorter days and colder temperature tend can zap energy, impacting our motivation and eating behaviors. But starting with good nutrition as a foundation can influence brain health and improve mood. Try some of these foods to help boost spirits and keep you feeling energized through the season.

Food City’s Dietitian’s Pick tags make it easy to identify foods that feature more essential nutrients, like protein, fiber, and vitamins and minerals, while being lower in added sugars, sodium and saturated fat.

Healthier Eating Habits Made Easy With Dietitian's Pick

When working to improve eating habits in the new year it can be overwhelming to know where to start. Even more challenging is finding a way to fit foods you enjoy into your desired eating habits. Food City’s Dietitian’s Pick tags make it easy to identify foods that feature more essential nutrients, like protein, fiber, and vitamins and minerals, while being lower in added sugars, sodium and saturated fat.

The Food City Wellness team has some great advice on how to make your holiday menu merry and light with a few simple swaps.

Make Your Holiday Menu Merry and Light

The holiday season is a time for creating lasting memories and celebrating time-honored traditions. This often includes gatherings, ranging from formal dinner parties to casual potlucks. From appetizers and side dishes to entrees and desserts, any menu feature can be made more balanced with just a few simple tips and swaps. This approach allows for enjoying the full flavor of your favorite foods and honoring your family’s traditions without shifting your health and wellness goals to the back seat. Try these ideas to make your menu merry and light.

November is American Diabetes Month, making it the perfect time to focus on the important role that nutrition plays in managing diabetes.

American Diabetes Month

November is American Diabetes Month, making it the perfect time to focus on the important role that nutrition plays in managing diabetes. Choosing balanced food options can help stabilize blood sugar, prevent complications, and support overall health and well-being. 

The Food City Wellness team has some great advice on how protein can help support healthy aging.

Healthy Aging: Protein

Healthy eating is key to promoting healthy aging and older adults are at greater risk of chronic diseases, such as heart disease and cancer — as well as health conditions related to changes in muscle and bone mass, such as osteoporosis. 

Try these produce packed recipe ideas from the Food City Wellness team for your Thanksgiving celebration.

Produce Packed Thanksgiving Starters and Sides

Thanksgiving kitchens are for gathering with family and friends, making new memories and celebrating time-honored traditions. Whether you are hosting for the holiday this year or bringing a dish to share, featuring plenty of fruits and vegetables is a fantastic way to celebrate the season’s harvest and infuse color, flavor and texture into your menu.  

California grapes are a quick, easy, and portable snack. Order some ffor curbside pickup from your local Food City®.


The 2020–2025 Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommend that adults consume 1 ½ to 2 cup-equivalents of fruits daily as part of a healthy diet. While there is no single food that will prevent disease and promote optimal health by itself, enjoying a variety of diverse fruit options can ensure a balanced offering of essential nutrients.

The Food City Wellness team shares how to prioritize key nutrients to support brain health

Nutrition to Support Brain Health

our brain needs good nutrition to support its high metabolic activity and neural functions.  Consuming a nutrient rich diet can help prevent age-related declines in cognitive function.

Try these tips from the Food City Wellness team to help improve your immune help.

Immune Health

A resilient immune system is essential for maintaining optimal health and defending against illness. Good eating habits play a role in helping to establish that front line of protection against illness and injury.

The Food City Wellness team has some great tips on for time saving solutions for family meals.

Time Saving Solutions for Family Meals Month

Meal planning is one of the key pillars to sustaining a healthy eating pattern across the lifespan and can be a great tool to save time. When it comes to fast, flavorful and balanced meals, look to prioritize nutrient dense choices in each food group that are ready to eat or quick to cook.

The Food City Wellness team shares how to prioritize key nutrients in meals.

Prioritize Key Nutrients

September celebrates Family Meals Month with the goal to encourage families to gather for a shared meal. Research has demonstrated a strong link between meals shared at the dinner table and positive dietary patterns, including increased fruit and vegetable consumption.  To make the most of family mealtime aim to prioritize key nutrients that promote health and encourage good eating habits in children. Focus on adding these foods at meals to incorporate health supporting nutrients.

Try these tips from the Food City Wellness team to serve up powerful pairings featuring produce for family meals.

Powerful Produce Pairings

Featuring plenty of produce with family meals can be a great way to increase the variety of nutrients and phytochemicals, which can help maintain good health and promote growth and development for kids.  

Not a vegetable lover? You are not alone. Only 10% of people in the U.S. eat the recommended amount, which is 4½ cups a day.

Try these tips to serve up powerful pairings featuring produce for family meals.

The Food City Wellness team has some great tips on how to feature more fruits and vegetables in your back to school meal plans.

Back To School Season

The back-to-school season means planning nutritious meals and snacks to provide the right fuel for growing, learning, and developing. For kids and adults alike, eating more fruits and vegetables at every meal is important for health.   The more exposure and exploration kids have with foods can increase intake in the long term. Recent studies show 60% of children do not eat enough fruit and 93% do not eat enough vegetables. Focus on featuring more fruits and vegetables and try these tips for shopping and meal planning.

The Food City Wellness team has some great advice on how to create healthier food habits.

Child and Teen Nutrition

Healthy food choices during childhood and adolescence help to lay the foundation for good habits and optimal health in adulthood. Like adults, children and adolescents require a well-rounded diet for proper development, the pillars of which include a variety of fruits and vegetables, whole grains and protein and dairy foods, while providing adequate nutrients to fuel growth and higher levels of activity. 

The Food City® Wellness team has some great tips for choosing antioxidant rich picks for the summer season.


Diets high in fruits and vegetables are widely recommended for their health-promoting properties. This encourages eating a wide variety of colorful choices. Those vivid hues come from different compounds produced by plants called phytonutrients or antioxidants. 

The Food City Wellness team shares how to fuel you active lifestyle with protein rich eggs.

Fuel an Active Lifestyle: Protein

When it comes to exercise, it’s no secret that fueling is a key component of getting the most out of your activity. Whether you’re training for a marathon or heading to the gym to improve your overall fitness, what you eat impacts your performance.

In honor of National Dairy Month, the Food City Wellness team has some great advice on how to get more dairy into your diet.

National Dairy Month

June starts National Dairy Month to celebrate the myriad of benefits in dairy foods. Most adults are advised to consume three one-cup equivalents of the dairy food group per day to reap all the benefits.

Grilling and Men's Health

Grilling and Men's Health

What better way to celebrate dad than by firing up the grill?  When it comes to meal planning aim to include nutrient dense picks that supports men’s health. 

Fresh is best and nothing is fresher than the farm to Food City® produce we have in our stores. Support your local farmer and pick up some locally grown fruits and vegetables at Food City®.

Local Growers

When focusing on maintaining or improving health one of the top recommendations is to eat more fresh fruits and vegetables.  Fresh produce typically makes us think of top quality and enjoying at peak of season. Aiming to consume locally sourced produce is a great way to enjoy more seasonal fruits and vegetables and support the local economy. Food City has reimagined the classic farmers market model and partnered to bring local goods directly to stores.

The Food City Wellness team has some helpful picks to add in more brain supporting nutrients

Mood Influencing Foods

Food choices influence your mood, and mood influences your food choices. Eating more nutrient-dense foods, such as 100% whole grains, lean protein, low fat or fat-free dairy, fruits, and vegetables fuel the body and mind to help optimize health and help manage stress and balance mood. 

The Food City Wellness team has some great information to help you understand celiac disease and how to support those living with it.

Celebrating Celiac Awareness Month

May recognizes Celiac Awareness Month – a month dedicated to improving understanding, establishing support and advancing research for celiac disease. Celiac disease is a serious autoimmune disorder triggered by gluten ingestion, affecting millions worldwide. Understanding celiac disease is the first step towards supporting those living with it. 

The Food City Wellness team shares better way to celebrate Mother's Day with delicious recipes featuring key nutrients that support women’s health.

Mother’s Day

Mother’s Day is right around the corner and what better way to celebrate than with delicious recipes featuring key nutrients that support women’s health. All adults should follow a well-balanced eating plan that features all food groups in the right portions for their bodies, but there are additional considerations women face when it comes to eating for their health. 

The Food City Wellness team can help you serve up healthy and tasty breakfast quickly.

Easy Breakfast

Breakfast is often called “the most important meal of the day”, and for good reason. Many studies have shown the health benefits of eating breakfast. Not only can it assist with energy regulation, but it can promote better weight management, reduce risk of type 2 diabetes and heart disease in the long term.

Try these tips forbalancing your picnic from the Food City Wellness team.

Balance Your Picnic Basket

Warmer spring temperatures invite us to spend more time outside and signal the beginning of the picnic season. Planning a nutritious family meal on the go means looking for convenient and ready-to-eat options that feature more essential nutrients and less added sugar, saturated fat and sodium. Balance your basket with these picks.

The Food City Wellness team shares the best ways to support a healthy gut.

Healthy Gut

A healthy gut means supporting your overall well-being. Research shows that the impact of our gut microbiome extends far beyond our digestive system, and can also affect our immune system, weight, and our risk of chronic diseases, like heart disease, and diabetes. 

The Food City Wellness team has some great tips for making your plate plant-focused

Plant-based Picks

Plant-based diets have been gaining traction in recent years, due largely to a shift toward environmental sustainability and a focus on eating for health promotion. Plant based eating styles vary from strict veganism which includes no animal products to more flexible eating styles, such as the Mediterranean diet. When done right these eating patterns can provide health benefits since, they emphasize more fruits, vegetables, whole grains, beans and legumes.

The Food City Wellness team can help you find frozen foods that can fit into a healthy eating pattern and serve up tasty meals quickly.

Frozen Foods

Working to prepare balanced meals typically takes time for planning, prepping, and cooking. Finding options that are convenient and shelf stable can help support the habit of making flavorful and nutritious meals at home. Aim to simplify meal planning by keeping your freezer stocked with delicious, high-quality options that are ready to use.

The Food City Wellness team has some great tips for making your plate plant-focused


The USDA MyPlate visual is a simple tool to assist with building balanced meals and encourages you to make every bite count by focusing on nutrient dense choices. The plate model emphasizes designating half of the plate for fruits and vegetables, choosing lean proteins, swapping to whole grains and opting for low-fat dairy. Make every bite count with these MyPlate tips.

The Food City Wellness team has some great tips for more nutritious, yet still delicious meals.

National Nutrition Month

March celebrates National Nutrition Month with the goal to inspire people to think about how the foods we eat can impact energy, mood, and overall health. It can feel like a daunting task to make changes to your eating pattern, but small changes go a long way in improving health. 

The Food City Wellness team has some helpful information about colorectal health. Learn More with our team.

Colorectal Health Month

When you think of March, certain ideas come to mind: the arrival of spring, St. Patrick’s Day, and maybe even March Madness.  However, March is also an important month to focus on colorectal health.  Colorectal is a term referring to the colon and rectum of the large intestines (i.e., large bowel).  Sometimes, the term “colon” is used to describe the entire large intestines.  This is the area of the digestive system where food waste is formed and eliminated.  Since this is a necessary process for the body, it is imperative to keep it healthy and functioning properly.  Some colorectal health conditions can be resolved with lifestyle modifications or medications.  Others must be addressed by a doctor.  This March, take the time to learn about colorectal issues and make digestive health a priority.

A nutritious diet can improve your gut health, which is a main contributor to colon and rectal health. Try these tips for gut support from the Food City Wellness team.

Colorectal Cancer Gut Health

March is Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month. Colorectal cancer is the third most common cancer diagnosed in both men and women in the United States.  While overall rates of people being diagnosed with colorectal cancer have decreased, young people are developing colorectal cancer at higher rates than ever before. Because of this the American Cancer Society recommends screening earlier and decreased recommend screening age from 50 to 45 years old.

The Food City Wellness team has some helpful information about heart health. Learn More with our team.

Heart Smart Tips

Heart Disease is the leading cause of death in the United States. While certain factors, such as family history and genetics can predispose us to a greater risk of heart disease, some factors in our control can mitigate that risk. What we eat every day has a significant impact on the prevention and treatment of heart disease. In observance of American Heart Month, follow these easy heart smart tips to take steps to better health.

The Food City Wellness team can help you find canned foods that can fit into a healthy eating pattern and serve up tasty meals quickly.

Canned Creations

February is National Canned Food Month. Canned foods are convenient, portable, quick, and have a long shelf life. While canned foods can contain higher amounts of sodium and sometimes sugar, it is a common misconception that long-lasting canned goods are not as healthy or flavorful as fresh or frozen options. In fact, there are tons of canned foods that can fit into a healthy eating pattern and serve up tasty meals quickly.

The Food City Wellness team has some great tips for making your Big Game festivities bith delicious and healthy.

Big Game Snacks

The Big Game is coming up and if you’re one of the millions of people who will be tuning in to watch, eating opportunities will abound. One of the biggest food consumption days of the entire year, some reports suggest that Americans eat more during the big game than any day of the year besides Thanksgiving! 

Fan favorite recipes often include higher fat, sodium, and sugar. While one day is not going to make or break your fitness goals, your game plan for serving up a delicious spread can still be flavorful while taking a lighter approach. Balance out your game day snacks with these nutrient dense picks. 

The Food City Wellness team has some great tips for swapping in healthier alternatives for common ingredients can make family favorites more nutritious, yet still delicious.

Heart Healthy Swaps

When making lifestyle changes to promote heart health aim to start with smart shopping and healthy cooking techniques. Swapping in healthier alternatives for common ingredients can make family favorites more nutritious, yet still delicious.

Heart smart swaps focus on increasing nutrients beneficial to heart health like fiber, antioxidants, and poly- and monounsaturated fatty acids, while limiting amounts of saturated fats, trans fats, sodium, and added sugar to reduce heart related risk.

Find out how you can resolve to be your best self this year with some helpful tips from the Food City Wellness team.

Making New Years Resolutions Stick

The beginning of a new year marks an opportunity for a fresh start to set new goals and intentions. Some of the top new year’s resolutions include improving physical fitness, losing weight and changing eating habits. While motivation is typically strong at the beginning of the year, most resolutions are notoriously difficult to stick to and often fizzle within the first few weeks of the year. Why is it that so many resolutions fail? Some people may assume that the problem lies in a sheer lack of willpower, but motivation ebbs and flows, and the secret to sustainable behavior change is making realistic changes and removing barriers in our environment.

The Food City Wellness team has some helpful information about Thyroid Health. Learn More with our team.

Thyroid Health

January is National Thyroid Awareness Month. Did you know, more than half of the people in America that suffer from a thyroid disorder are undiagnosed? Raising awareness about the thyroid is important because it plays a significant role in the human body. According to the American Thyroid Association, 1 in 10 people suffer from a thyroid disorder. They also found that at least 1 in 8 women will develop a thyroid disorder during her lifetime.

Try adding some zest to your menu with some of our favorite citrus picks from your local Food City grocery store.

Season of Citrus

December ushers in the beginning of prime harvest time for citrus. Winter marks the season when the picking is plentiful, and their flavor is sweetest. Citrus is known for being rich in vitamin C, offering nearly 100% of the daily requirement. Vitamin C is an antioxidant that protects cells against damage caused by free radicals, as well as supports our immune system and maintains healthy skin, blood, and bones. Most citrus is also a good source of fiber, which keeps our digestive system healthy and helps to improve cholesterol levels and maintain healthy blood sugar levels.

Try adding some zest to your menu with some of our favorite citrus picks.

The Food City Wellness team has some great ideas for merry adn light appetizers for your holiday celebrations.

Merry and Light Appetizers

The holiday season is a time for creating lasting memories and celebrating time-honored traditions. This often includes gatherings, ranging from formal dinner parties to casual potlucks. If you’re planning to entertain this holiday season, to make your appetizers merry and light aim to feature plenty of fresh produce and lean proteins paired with festive flavors.

Learn more from the Food City Wellness team about how to add color, flavor, and nutrients - with plenty of seasonal flavor to all your holiday meals.

Produce Picks for Your Holiday Spread

The holiday season is filled with traditions often centered around creating memories and sharing delicious food. From filling appetizer to decadent desserts, it can be easy to let fruits and vegetables slip from the plate.  Try these tips to feature fresh produce picks that will add color, flavor, and nutrients - with plenty of seasonal flavor. 

Try these tips for adding more color and variety to family meals with fresh fall produce from your local Food City grocery store.

Fall Produce Picks

The weather is cooling, and autumn is garnering a new season of fresh produce picks.  Hearty fruit and vegetables signal the transition from warmer days to cooler ones — from crisp apples and juicy pears to sweet root vegetables and hearty winter squash. The change in season aligns with changes in cooking techniques like long-simmered stews and sauces, braising, baking and roasting. Reap the benefits of the season’s harvest with fall favorite produce picks from Food City. 

Food City has a variety of fresf and frozen seafood to help you build a delicious, quick family meal in no time.

Add More Seafood

October celebrates National Seafood Month. Great for health at any age, seafood is low in saturated fats, rich in protein, and packed full of important nutrients including omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin A, and B vitamins - all nutrients that are essential in maintaining health. To catch all the benefits of seafood, aim to include eight ounces per week in your meal plan. Try the following tips to fit in more seafood.

The Food City Wellness team has some great tips on how you can build your immunity this fall.

Immune Health

A resilient immune system is essential for maintaining optimal health and defending against illness as cold and flu season approaches. While there is no one food that guarantees protection against sickness, optimizing eating behaviors with the right balance of nutrient dense foods, coupled with the right lifestyle behaviors will enhance your ability to fend off the flu and recover quickly during the colder months. As cold and flu season approaches, add an extra layer of protection with the following nutrients to support immune function.

The Food City Wellness team has some great tips on how to trick out your Halloween treats this year.

Tricked Out Treats

Halloween is a fun filled day full of costumes, creativity and, of course, tons of candy. With a little creativity, you can find fun ways to include some healthy options in the mix, whether you’re having a party with friends or trick-or-treating in the neighborhood. Keep in mind Halloween is just one day a year, and it is what we eat every day that has the most impact on nutrition and health. Instead of making candy and sweet treats off-limits, aim to serve up nutritious foods first. 

Try these tips for adding more color and variety to family meals and “Start Simple” with MyPlate from the Food City Wellness team.

MyPlate Tips

Taking the time to prepare and share a meal for family and friends creates an opportunity for connecting and creating memories. Shared meals can be the cornerstone of creating healthy habits for kids and adults. While there are many benefits linked to sharing a meal, aiming to add extra nutrients to the menu can reap even more benefits. 

The Food City Wellness team has some great tips on how you can build a beautiful and healthy tailgating spread at your next get-together.


That fall feeling in the air means it is time for one of America’s favorite pastimes - tailgating!  To serve up delicious gameday snacks while taking a lighter approach, try serving up a shareable snack board. To show support for your favorite team build a color themed spread featuring vibrant produce with favorite gameday flavors. 

The Food City Wellness team has great tips to shop for key time-saving ingredients on hand for a mouthwatering meal made in minutes

Staple Ingredients

Gathering with family over a shared meal comes with benefits for physical and mental health alike. But with the bustling school season in full swing, menu planning often gets shifted to the back burner. Keeping some versatile ingredients on hand for a tasty dinner in a pinch is a great way to ensure that family meals become a priority.

Food City has a variety of meal solutions to help you build a delicious, quick family meal in no time.

Family Meal Builders

By focusing on quick cooking staples you can save time and energy and still serve your family nutritious foods. Here are a few ideas to get you started.

Try these tips to offer well-rounded meals and snacks from the Food City Wellness team.

Dietitians Picks for Back to School

Gearing up for the bustling back to school season means kids need fulfilling meals and healthy snacks to stay energized throughout the day. Providing enough food to fuel the day is essential, but it is also important to focus on nutrient rich choices to promote proper development.

Food City wants to support your health goals. Our Pick Well program gives you easy resource to identify healthful choices in our stores and online

August is National Wellness Month

August is National Wellness Month; this is a great time to take stock and think about how everyday habits have an impact on health. It can be easy to feel bombarded by the latest healthy eating trend or buzzworthy ingredient. But good nutrition is about consistently choosing healthy foods and beverages. Eating for wellness emphasizes foods that provide nutrients to optimize and even improve every function of the body. This includes fruits, vegetables, whole grains, calcium rich dairy, lean protein, and heart healthy fats. 

As the temperatures rise, food safety becomes a greater concern as harmful bacteria proliferate in the temperature “danger zone.” The Food City Wellness team has great tips to help keep your next picnic safe and fun.

Fresh Food Hacks for Picnics

Balmy summer temperatures invite us to spend more time outside, soaking up every last ray of sunshine. It also signals picnic season, when many people will venture outside to enjoy meals with family and friends. As the temperatures rise, food safety becomes a greater concern as harmful bacteria proliferate in the temperature “danger zone.” Remember these food safety tips when you pack your picnic basket.

The Food City Wellness team has some great tips on how to incorporate sides and sweets that prioritize produce, aiming to make plants half your plate.

Pack Produce into Summertime Favorites

While the bustling back-to-school season is drawing near, grilling season is still hanging on. From relishing in the amazing flavors to enjoying great company surrounded by the outdoors, there is so much to love about summer cookouts. Whether you prefer the classics or are looking to introduce creative spins and branch out from typical cookout fare, adding more fruits and vegetables can help to bring a balance of nutrients to your plate. For your next cookout, plan to incorporate sides and sweets that prioritize produce, aiming to make plants half your plate.

Food City Wellness Team shares some advice on how balance your summer menu with fresh fruits and vegetables

Summer Produce

Make the most of your summer by incorporating more of your favorite fruits and veggies that this season has to offer, creating meals that are not only refreshing but full of color and nutrients.

 The Food City Wellness team offers some great tips and tricks for building a better salad.

Tips and Tricks for Building a Better Salad

The Food City Wellness team offers some great tips and tricks for building a better plate.

 The Food City Wellness team offers some great tips and tricks for building a better salad.

Beat the Heat with a Frozen Treat

Summer is heating up and what better way to cool off then with a delectable, refreshing frozen treat? Food City has multiple options for the whole family to enjoy and plenty of “better for you” options

July is National Picnic Month. Find everything you need for a festive and healthy picnic at your local Food City grocery store.

July is National Picnic Month

July is National Picnic Month, when friends and families can get together and share a meal in an exciting new way. It encourages us to spend time outdoors and enjoy the summer sun with our loved ones. Picnic Month adds to a summer of fun, and you can easily add variety and balance to your basket. 

June is National Dairy Month. Learn more about the benefits of dairy from the Food City Wellness team.

June is National Dairy Month

June celebrates National Dairy Month. What started as a campaign in 1937 to increase milk distribution in the summer months at a time when there was a surplus, has evolved into an annual celebration of the nutrition benefits of dairy. Including dairy foods as part of an overall healthy eating pattern can help both children and adults to fill in nutrient gaps for vitamins and minerals that are often under consumed and considered nutrients of concern for the general population. Many dairy foods supply nine essential nutrients including protein, potassium and bone-building nutrients like phosphorous, calcium and vitamin D. Dairy also supplies B vitamins, many of which are involved in energy metabolism and help convert the food we eat into fuel.

Food City Wellness Team shares some advice on how balance your summer grilling menu

Summer Grilling

Warm weather and sun filled evenings can have you salivating for summer grilling season.  The sights, smells, and sizzle of freshly cooked food alongside friends and family are an irresistible mix. Follow this easy guide to balance your barbecue menu all summer long.

 Choosing a well-balanced diet that includes anti-inflammatory foods, such as seafood, can help to promote health and reduce their risk of chronic disease. Find everything you need for Father's Day at your local Food City grocery store.

Seafood for Father's Day

Father’s Day is around the corner, and whether you are celebrating your dad, a father figure, or another cherished loved one, helping them take care of their health can be the ultimate gift. Our Dads, uncles, brothers, and sons’ health matters, and living a healthy lifestyle is essential to support health. Choosing a well-balanced diet that includes anti-inflammatory foods, such as seafood, can help to promote health and reduce their risk of chronic disease.

Find the freshest blueberries at local Food City grocery store.

Grab a Boost of Blue

A key tip for improving health is to make half of our plate fruits and vegetables. A favorite summer fruit that is great in both fresh and frozen forms and pairs well with savory and sweet dishes alike is the brilliant blueberry! Blueberries are often touted as “superfoods” because they are full of essential nutrients like vitamin K, vitamin C, manganese and fiber. Their brilliant blue color comes from compounds called anthocyanins which research has linked with decreased risk of heart disease and decreased blood pressure.

Aiming to consume locally sourced produce is a great way to focus on maintaining or improving health while supporting the local economy. Food City partners with local farmers to bring the freshest seasonal goodies directly to our stores for you.

From Local Farms to You!

When focusing on maintaining or improving health one of the top recommendations is to eat more fresh fruits and vegetables.  Fresh produce typically makes us think of top quality and enjoyment while in season. Aiming to consume locally sourced produce is a great way to achieve this and support the local economy. Food City has reimagined the classic farmers market model and partnered to bring local goods directly to stores.

For your next cookout, plan a couple of sides that prioritize fresh produce from your local Food City grocery store.

Produce Packed Sides for your Summer Cookout

Like all eating occasions, balance means that all foods can fit into your eating plan. It means including plenty of fruits and vegetables, fiber-rich carbohydrates, lean and plant-based proteins, low-fat dairy and enjoying fun foods in moderation. For your next cookout, plan a couple of sides that prioritize produce like this Cold Corn and Edamame Salad. It is packed with plant powered protein and fiber and is filled with refreshing flavor from an oregano vinaigrette. 

May is Celiac Awareness Month. Learn more about living gluten free from the Food City Wellness team.

Celiac Awareness Month

May is Celiac Disease Awareness Month with the goal to raise awareness, establish support, and advance research. Celiac disease is an autoimmune disease that is characterized by intolerance to gluten, a natural occurring protein found in wheat, rye, and barley.  When people with celiac disease eat gluten, their body mounts an immune response that attacks the small intestine. Chronic intake of gluten results in damage to the small intestines which can impact nutrients being absorbed properly into the body.  While the topic of Celiac Disease has become more prominent in recent years, the first incidents can be traced back to the first century AD. 

Food City Wellness Team shares some advice on how brunch better this spring.

Beautiful Brunch

Warmer temperatures signal that spring is here and in full bloom, and if there is one meal that celebrates the flavors of spring it is brunch. What’s not to love about brunch anyway? It combines the best of both breakfast and lunch and invites us to slow down and savor amazing flavors over great conversation. Like all eating occasions, brunch presents an opportunity to prioritize produce on our plates. Adding more colorful fruits and vegetables into your eating plan means adding in more vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients and fiber and can decrease the risk of heart disease, stroke and certain cancers.

A health and lifestyle trend that is picking up momentum is the sober curious movement. Sober curious culture is forged by individuals who are not planning to give up alcohol completely. This choice is rooted in a desire to find balance at social gatherings, focus on health improvement, and still open to enjoying a delicious beverage to unwind. .  Try some of these tips from the Food City Wellness team.

Sober Curious Beverages

A health and lifestyle trend that is picking up momentum is the sober curious movement. Sober curious culture is forged by individuals who are not planning to give up alcohol completely. This choice is rooted in a desire to find balance at social gatherings, focus on health improvement, and still open to enjoying a delicious beverage to unwind. The stigma of nonalcoholic beverages revolves around the need to define being sober. Many people are enjoying a mix of regular alcoholic beverages and non-alcoholic offerings and find the balance works to support their goals. Motivators include better sleep, increased athletic performance, or focusing on alternative stress management.

Food City Wellness Team shares some advice on what snack you can keep handy at your desk.

10 Fridge-Free Snacks to Keep at Your Desk

A strategy for staving off mid-day cravings and keeping hunger at bay is stocking up on a variety of healthy snacks so that when your craving strikes, you will be prepared. Including planned mid-meal snacks is also an opportunity to sneak more essential nutrients into your day, but it can be challenging to find fridge-free snacks on the go that are not also high in sodium or added sugar. To tide you over to your next meal, add some of these better-for-you shelf-stable snacks to keep in your stash.

A key part of maintaining good health is getting in regular physical activity, but without proper nutrition, performance is likely to suffer.  Try some of these tips from the Food City Wellness team.

Tips to Fuel Your Fitness

A key part of maintaining good health is getting in regular physical activity, but without proper nutrition, performance is likely to suffer. For most people, a well-balanced eating plan that supplies nutrients from fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins and dairy will be adequate for the recommended amount of daily activity. For those engaged in longer duration or higher intensity exercises, such as endurance athletes, increased nutrients and hydration may be required. But whether you’re getting in a thirty-minute brisk walk, training for a marathon, or hitting weights, here are some considerations to optimally fuel your fitness.

March is National Frozen Food Month. Find savings on all of your frozen food favorites this month at your local Food City.

Selecting Better for You Frozen Foods

Frozen foods are sometimes perceived as not being as nutritious as fresh, but in fact, frozen foods – especially fruits and vegetables – are just as good as fresh. Beyond their nutrition benefits, frozen foods can also be a great way to cut down on food waste and save time in the kitchen. With that said, it’s important to identify options that will support your wellness goals. Here are some tips for selecting best options in the frozen aisle. 

Visit your local Food City to stock up frozen favorites to add to your meal plan this week.

Tips for Stocking Your Freezer

Having a well-stocked freezer can help provide plenty of quick and delicious meal options.  Try these tips to rethink how you shop for frozen staples

Staying stocked with convenient choices to support health goals can help combat resolution fizzle. Try a few dietitian tips for reaching your wellness goals shopping at Food City.

The Power of Planning

Ringing in the new year means a fresh start. New Year's resolutions are easy to make, but not so easy to achieve. When focusing on the action phase of reaching goals the power of planning can make a big difference, especially when it comes to eating better. 

Staying stocked with convenient choices to support health goals can help combat resolution fizzle. Try a few dietitian tips for reaching your wellness goals shopping at Food City.

When considering supplements, remember every person is different and nutrient needs vary from person to person.  Learn more about Supplements from the Food City Wellness team


Taking time to evaluate health and wellness status is a great way to start the new year. One key consideration is aiming to eat a balanced diet, which fuels the body with essential vitamins and minerals.  The Dietary Guidelines for Americans provide insight on vitamins and minerals most people are not eating in adequate amounts.  These include vitamin D, calcium, iron, and essential fatty acids. When dietary intake falls short some might find benefit adding a vitamin or mineral supplement. 

Visit your local Food City to stock up on some probiotic and nutrient-rich foods to add to your meal plan this week.

Probiotic Rich Foods

With cold and flu season well underway a resilient immune system is essential to staying healthy during the colder months. A key piece of the immunity puzzle is the role that our gut plays. With trillions of microorganisms inhabiting the digestive tract, it is no wonder that our gut would be closely linked to our immune system. 

Try some probiotic and nutrient-rich foods to add to your meal plan this week. 

Food City’s Dish in a Dash recipes offer quick and convenient meal solutions that add key nutrients to your eating plan.

Dish In A Dash!

When it comes to eating well, lack of time is one of the most common barriers to meal planning and changing eating habits. An essential component of making your wellness goals stick is prioritizing meals that are not only nutritious and satisfying, but also convenient. By focusing on adding nutrient-dense and convenient ingredients into recipes that accommodate your busy schedule, you may find it easier to adhere to new changes. Food City’s Dish in a Dash recipes offer quick and convenient meal solutions that add key nutrients to your eating plan.

If you have goals for the new year, try some of these tips from the Food City wellness team to transform your resolutions into habits that stick.

New Year's Resolutions

It’s hard to believe that another year is in the books and we will soon be ringing in 2023. For many people, the New Year is a time for reflection over the past months and a time to reorient our priorities. Oftentimes, this comes in the form of a resolution to exercise more, improve eating behaviors or kick an undesirable habit. Unfortunately, it’s estimated that a mere 9% of resolutioners follow through with their goals, and approximately 80% let go of their goal just a few weeks into the new year

A Food City dietitian tip for the holiday season is to focus on including more nutrient rich foods to the typical holiday spread.

Holiday Snack Boards

A dietitian tip for the holiday season is to focus on including more nutrient rich foods to the typical holiday spread.  This means finding ways to add fruits, vegetables, and healthy fats. A great option is serving shareable snack boards that are fit for feeding a crowd. Try these “merry and light” dishes that will impress guest and add balanced bites to any holiday feast.

The Food City Wellness team has some great ideas for holiday appetizers.

Holiday Appetizers

When it comes to holiday parties, it is essential not to overlook the appetizer when planning the menu. Featuring beef is a great way to elevate holiday small bites to satisfy your guests before the main meal.  

Food City Wellness Team shares some of their favorite vegetable forward sides to go along with your holiday main dish

Holiday Protein Pairings

The holiday season brings loved ones together to share a meal. Why not try a new side dish to compliment the centerpiece of the holiday feast. 

The joys of the holiday season mean festive celebration, spending time with loved ones, and plenty of delicious food. The Food City Wellness team has a few a few techniques to help you eat smart and focus on wellness the whole holiday season.

Healthy Holiday Dinning

The joys of the holiday season mean festive celebration, spending time with loved ones, and plenty of delicious food.  The whirlwind of activities that kick off with Halloween and continue through Thanksgiving and Christmas can mean indulging in favorites for several months.  How does one strike a balance between maintaining health and still enjoying favorite holiday traditions? Give opportunity for new traditions by trying a few techniques to eat smart and focus on wellness this holiday season.  

Food City Wellness Team shares information on how dietary intake, physical activity and lifestyle factors all influence how diabetes and blood sugars are managed.

Eating for Optimal Blood Sugar Management

November celebrates National Diabetes Month to bring awareness about the prevalence, risk factors and symptoms of diabetes. With 37 million adults in U.S. living with the chronic condition, an estimated 1 in 4 of whom are walking around undiagnosed, diabetes is an epidemic. Dietary intake, physical activity and lifestyle factors all influence how diabetes and blood sugars are managed.

Find out how you can build a variety of soups from your pantry. get everything you need for a well stocked pantry at your local Food City grocery store today.

Making Meal-Worthy Soups from Your Pantry

Soups are a great cold weather meal staple.  A simple one pot meal that is versatile and full of flavor.  Having a powerhouse pantry of items can keep your bowl filled all winter long.

October is National Seafood Month. Find a variety of fresh seafood at your Food City grocery store today.

Catch All the Benefits of Seafood

October is National Seafood Month. The Dietary Guidelines for Americans encourages adults to consume two servings of fish and seafood per week. Most Americans consume about half of the recommended amount.

A member of the cucurbits family, pumpkin is highly nutritious. Whether you are carving jack o lanterns or making  hearty pumpkn risotto, Food City has a variety of fresh and canned pumpkins available this fall.


The temperatures have started to drop and leaves have begun to turn, but nothing signals the change in season better than the pumpkin. Pumpkin in its many forms - Jack O Lanterns, pumpkin patches and everyone’s favorite autumn beverage, the pumpkin spice latte - is the quintessential symbol of autumn, and there are many good reasons to love it.

The Food City Wellness team has some tips on how to have a happy and healthy Halloween.

Healthy Halloween Tips and Tricks

Halloween is right around the corner, and while tricks are reserved for All Hallow’s Eve only, the treats tend to stick around days and weeks after the holiday making it tough to stay on track with our wellness goals. With that in mind, try the following tricks to have a healthy Halloween. 

Find the freshest fall produce direct from the farm at a Food City near you.

Fresh Fall Produce

The changing season means colorful fall leaves cooler-weather offerings. With seasonal changes this means a fresh pick of produce. Take full advantage of the yellows, oranges, reds, whites, and deep greens that autumn has to offer.

For Family Meals Month, perhaps you’ve been working toward the goal of having one more shared meal around the table per week. If so, give yourself a pat on the back!  Sharing one more meal around the table can benefit you and your family’s whole well-being.

Nutrition Tips for Key Nutrients

For Family Meals Month, perhaps you’ve been working toward the goal of having one more shared meal around the table per week. If so, give yourself a pat on the back!  Sharing one more meal around the table can benefit you and your family’s whole well-being. 

September is National Family Meals Month. Get the whole family involved in making meals and commit to eating at least one meals together each week this month.

Get the Whole Family Involved in Making Meals

One of the best ways to engage all the family with mealtimes is to get kids in the kitchen. This can help build important life skills, encourage healthier food choices, and an opportunity to connect.  Food provides more than just nourishment for our bodies, many core memories are centered around meals we share with loved ones. By engaging the whole family in meal preparation this can reduce stress in the long term and build strong bonds around mealtime. 

The Food City Wellness team has some tips on how to get healthy family meals on the table quickly this month. Current research suggests that eating meals together as a family is beneficial to adolescents’ eating habits and that more frequent family meals have been found to lead to better dietary intake among children and adolescents.

Time Saving Tips for Family Meals

We all know that families should eat together, but sometimes it’s tough to find the time. Work, school, sports practices, and other obligations can get in the way. Studies show that families who dine at home together are happier and healthier. Current research suggests that eating meals together as a family is beneficial to adolescents’ eating habits and that more frequent family meals have been found to lead to better dietary intake among children and adolescents. However, a common barrier to family meals is the lack of time in the week to prepare. 

September celebrates National Family Meals Month as a time to encourage families to gather around the table for a shared meal at least one day per week.

National Family Meals Month

September celebrates National Family Meals Month as a time to encourage families to gather around the table for a shared meal at least one day per week. Research has demonstrated a strong link between meals shared at the dinner table and positive dietary patterns in children and adolescents, including increased fruit and vegetable consumption.

Learn more about the importance of water for a healthy life including regulating our body temperature, lubricating joints, eliminating waste from the body, preventing constipation, keeping skin healthy, and even regulating appetite.

Healthy Hydration

For most people, increasing water intake can be a worthy goal, but it may be more beneficial to focus on exchanging your favorite sugar-sweetened beverage for non-caloric beverages.

Tailgaiting time is almost upon us. Your game plan for serving up a delicious pregame meal can still be flavorful and festive while taking a lighter approach with a little help from the Food City Wellness team.

Tailgating Time

As summer comes to an end and the weather cools. That crisp fall feeling in the air means it is time for one of America’s favorite pastimes - tailgating! Your game plan for serving up a delicious pregame meal can still be flavorful and festive while taking a lighter approach. 

The Food City Wellness team has some tips on how to offer more well-rounded meals and snacks.

Tips for a Balanced School Lunch

School age children are typically not consuming adequate fruits, vegetables, whole grains, or dairy. The Food City Wellness team has some tips on how to offer more well-rounded meals and snacks.

Blueberries, called a “superfood” and one of the most delicious and nutritious parts of summertime have been linked with positive health outcomes and lower incidence of certain diseases. Find these superfoods fresh from local farms at a Food City grocery store near you.

Grab a Boost of Blue

July celebrates National Blueberry Month and for good reason. Sweet and slightly tart, blueberries are bursting with flavor, easy to grab and go, and have numerous health benefits.

They say that an apple a day keeps the doctor away, but perhaps the same can be said for another A fruit – the avocado. Find fresh avocados year round at your local Food City grocery store

Celebrate National Avocado Day

From traditional guacamole to the ultra-trendy avocado toast, avocados have skyrocketed in their popularity over the past decade due to their nutrient profile and versatility.

Stone fruit, also known as drupes, are in season from late May through early October. . Find fresh from the farm fruits and vegetables at your local Food City grocery location.

Stone Fruits

Summer season means a plethora of in season produce.  If looking for a sweet treat to beat the summer heat, try stone fruit.  Stone fruits include peaches, nectarines, plums, cherries, and apricots. Referred to as stone fruits for the large “stone-like” seed surrounded by soft and sweet edible fruit. Stone fruit, also known as drupes, are in season from late May through early October. 

 Check out the Food City Wellness Club for more tips to promote optimal health.

Tips for a Healthy and Happy Summer

Warm weather and longer days can inspire some new ways to focus on wellness.  The Food City Wellness team has a few of these tips to feel your best this summer.

Fresh berries, called a “superfood” and one of the most delicious and nutritious parts of summertime have been linked with positive health outcomes and lower incidence of certain diseases. Find these superfoods fresh from local farms at a Food City grocery store near you.

Benefits of Berries

Fresh berries are one of the most delicious and nutritious parts of summertime. A cup of berries supplies a myriad of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants for only about 50-80 calories, and they also provide a good amount of fiber. In fact, raspberries are one of the highest fiber fruits, with a whopping 9 grams of fiber per cup – nearly half of the daily recommended value for women and a third of the daily value for men. With such high nutrient value, it is no wonder that berries are often touted as being “superfoods” or “functional foods.” While there is no scientific definition for either term, it is true that berries have been linked with positive health outcomes and lower incidence of certain diseases.

It is National Dairy Month. Whether it is yogurt parfaits for breakfast or macaroni and cheese for dinner pick up your favorite nutritious dairy foods at your local Food City grocery store.

Dairy: An “Udder” Delight

Happy National Dairy Month! Nowadays, plant-based milks and vegan cheese are all the rage but dairy is one of the most nutritious and versatile food groups. Whether it is yogurt parfaits for breakfast or macaroni and cheese for dinner, dairy foods contain a lot of nutrients and are usually very affordable. 

Eating adequate fruits and vegetables promotes a well-rounded diet and provides essential nutrients to optimize health. Find fresh from the farm fruits and vegetables at your local Food City grocery location.

Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Month

The summer months mean prime growing season in Tennessee. Only fitting that June is National Fresh Fruit and Vegetables Month. Eating adequate fruits and vegetables promotes a well-rounded diet and provides essential nutrients to optimize health. Despite known health benefits 90% of Americans are not consuming the recommended two cups of fruit and two to three cups of vegetables per day. Which means falling short of vitamins, minerals, and other health promoting components.

 Check out the Food City Wellness Club for more tips to promote optimal men’s health.

A Nutritious Boost for Dad

Recognizing how a father’s love and guidance influences the health, well-being, and development of his children. Often life’s moments and activities can get in the way of men having time to focus on their own wellness. Here are some stand out nutrients that can be emphasized to promote optimal men’s health.

Learn how you can make delicious and nutritious summer smoothies at home with fresh and affordable ingredients from Food City.

Summer Smoothies

Smoothies make for a great summer breakfast or refreshing mid-day snack and you can turn pretty much any fruit or vegetable into a convenient meal on the go.

Enjoying warm weather with family and friends often means grilling season. Get everything you need for grilling season at Food City.

The Science of Grilling

Enjoying warm weather with family and friends often means grilling season. Utilizing a grill can be a simple tool to make a delicious and balanced feast.

Get tips from the Food City Wellness team to make prioritizing health and wellness more simple and less stressful.

Wellness Tips for Mom

In honor of Mother’s Day this month, in this article we are talking about wellness for moms. Whether working outside of the home or a stay-at-home mom, moms have important work that keeps them busy. Most moms are notorious for tending to everyone else’s needs which may lead to their own self-care taking a back seat.

With warmer weather comes a greater variety of melons at your local Food City grocery store.

Melon Season

With warmer weather comes a greater variety of melons at your local Food City. Melons provide a good source of vitamins and minerals, and a great choice to keep you satisfied and hydrated this summer.

 Check out the Food City Wellness Club for more information about celiac disease and a gluten-free lifestyles.

Celiac Awareness Month

May is Celiac Disease Awareness Month with the goal to raise awareness, establish support, and advance research. Celiac disease is an autoimmune disease that is characterized by intolerance to gluten, a natural occurring protein found in wheat, rye, and barley.  When people with celiac disease eat gluten, their body mounts an immune response that attacks the small intestine. Chronic intake of gluten results in damage to the small intestines which can impact nutrients being absorbed properly into the body.  While the topic of Celiac Disease has become more prominent in recent years, the first incidents can be traced back to the first century AD.

Get suggestions from the Food City Wellness team on how you can eat more sustainably.

Planet-Friendly Food Tips for Earth Day

For over fifty years, Americans have celebrated Earth Day on April 22nd to bring awareness about the health of our planet, and it’s a good time for us to take stock of the ways in which our stewardship of the earth can affect the world around us. The source, type, and manner in which we prepare the food we consume can make a big difference.

Get great tips on how to have a happy and healthy Easter from the Food City Wellness team.

Ideas for a Happy, Healthy Easter

When you hear the word Easter, it probably conjures up images of pastel-colored baskets filled with chocolate and jelly-beans rather than health and wellness. While I wouldn’t suggest swapping out chocolate eggs for a basket of kale, the good news is that fun foods can be enjoyed while also keeping on track with your wellness goals. All foods can fit in a healthful eating plan, including the sweets that come with the Easter celebration. Just like any other day, balance and moderation is the key!

Fuel your active lifestyle with the right nutrition. Learn More from the Food City Wellness team.

Fueling An Active Lifestyle

With warmer temperatures and longer days now is a great time to enjoy outdoor activities.  One thing that can be essential for staying active is fueling your lifestyle with the right nutrition. While this is unique for each person, there are some basic rules of thumb to keep in mind. 

 Check out the Food City Wellness Club for more information including tips and tricks forgetting the most out of your jar of peanut butter!

The Power of Peanut Butter

Whether you prefer smooth or crunchy, peanut butter is a food staple enjoyed from adolescence to adulthood.   Peanuts have been utilized in cooking for centuries. The peanut evolved into the convenient jar brands of peanut butter that we know and love in 1895, credited to Dr. John Kellogg who patented the peanut butter production process.  Original recipes steamed the peanuts, which resulted in a different flavor and texture than the roasted varieties we enjoy today.

Get suggestions fgrom the Food City Wellness team on how you can add more seafood to your diet.

The Benefits of Eating More Seafood

While most people who replace meat with fish for Lent do so for its spiritual significance, there are also many health benefits that come from incorporating more fish and seafood into our eating plans. Not only is seafood an excellent source of lean protein but it’s also low in saturated fat and provides many nutrients including B vitamins, choline, calcium, and vitamin D, along with Omega 3 fatty acids. 

Get great tips on how to incorporate more spinach into your diet from the Food City Wellness team.

Green Goodness

National Spinach Day is celebrated March 26th, for most spinach may conjure images of pumped-up Popeye.  Since the popularity of the cartoon in the 1930s Americans consumption of spinach has continued to grow.  It is estimated that most people consume two to three pounds of leafy green spinach per year.  Unfortunately, you will not see the immediate muscle pump that Popeye experiences, but spinach is still a nutrient-rich food.  Filled with essential vitamins and minerals one cup of raw spinach is only 7 calories.  Spinach provides calcium, magnesium, potassium, vitamin A, vitamin K, iron, and folate.  Although rich in iron, plant -based non heme iron is not as readily absorbed by the body.  Spinach does provide more than 30 % of daily recommended magnesium for one cup cooked.   Magnesium is necessary for energy metabolism, maintaining blood pressure, and muscle and nerve function.  Beta carotene provides the bright green color of spinach. Our bodies use beta-carotene to make vitamin A, which is important for vision, immune function, and skin and bone health. 

March 8th is International Women’s Day, so it’s a good time to focus on nutrients of particular concern to women. Learn More from the Food City Wellness team.

International Women’s Day - Women’s Nutrition

March 8th is International Women’s Day, so it’s a good time to focus on nutrients of particular concern to women. Like men, women should follow an eating pattern which balances fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean protein, dairy, and healthy fats in the right amounts for their bodies. However, women have some additional considerations when it comes to eating well for their health, specifically with regard to their intake of the following vitamins and minerals.

 Check out the Food City Wellness Club for more information including tips and tricks for eating seasonally!

Seasonal Spring Eats

Spring has officially sprung, which means it’s the perfect time to refresh our menu with some seasonal spring produce. We are fortunate that modern food agriculture allows us to enjoy a variety of nutritious produce all year round. While canned and frozen fruits and vegetables are excellent options, there are also many benefits to eating seasonally.

Learn More from the Food City Wellness team about using spices to Celebrate A World of Flavors

National Nutrition Month: Celebrate A World of Flavors

March is recognized as National Nutrition Month; this year’s theme is Celebrate A World of Flavors hoping to spark interest in global cultures and cuisine.

When looking for cultural authentic recipes you may find spice blends recommended.  Spices blends are a simple way to allow you to be creative and adventurous with your cooking.  

Get great tips on how to shine a light on the ways in which our lifestyle might be affecting our cardiovascular health from the Food City Wellness team.

Eat Your Heart Out

Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States. February is Heart Month, the perfect time to shine a light on the ways in which our lifestyle might be affecting our cardiovascular health.

Get everything you need to make your own Kombucha or get some already to go at your local Food City grocery store.

Kombucha Kraze

An emphasis on consuming foods beneficial to gut health has put a spotlight on fermented foods, including kombucha. Studies have shown the beverage may offer benefits similar to probiotic supplements.

 Check out the Food City Wellness Club for more information including tips and tricks for healthy eating!

Add More Nutrients of Concern into Your Diet

The Dietary Guidelines for Americans lists four nutrients of concern for Americans – calcium, potassium, dietary fiber and vitamin D. This means that the majority of Americans do not consume enough of these nutrients. Luckily, with a well-balanced eating plan we can meet the recommendations for these nutrients.

Learn More from the Food City Wellness team about recharging resolutions

Recharging Resolutions

The start of a New Year feels like a fresh start to put our best foot forward.  Our aspirations are typically met with the resolution fizzle by February.  To avoid the healthy habit fall-out here are some tips to recharge your resolutions for 2022.

 Look for Pick Well Low Sodium items in Food City stores.

Eating for Hypertension

Although sodium is essential, the average American consumes 3,400 mg of sodium per day which is well over the 2300 mg amount recommended by the Dietary Guidelines for Americans. Sodium is a major mineral found in the body.  A major role of sodium is to regulate fluid and blood pressure with the help of potassium.  Sodium also helps maintain pH balance, and adequate amounts are need for muscle and nervous systems to function properly. The problem with too much sodium is that it pulls more water into the blood vessels, which increases the vessel volume.  With more blood flow and fluid, the pressure on the vessel increases, which results in elevated blood pressure.

20 Healthy Tips for a Fresh New Year

Start Your New Year off right with these 20 tips fo a healthy New Year from the Food City Dietitians.

Enjoy Hot Tea After Dinner
Instead of dessert after dinner, enjoy a hot cup of herbal tea. Herbal and fruit teas are naturally caffeine-free so they won’t keep you awake all night. There are many dessert-like flavors that can give you the satisfaction of something sweet without adding calories. 

Prioritize Produce
If you have a tendency to snack while preparing dinner, use it as an opportunity to get in a serving of vegetables. Instead of reaching for chips, snack on some vegetables with hummus. Not only can this satisfy the need to crunch, but it will also give you a boost of vitamins, minerals and fiber.

Save Time with Food City’s ShortCuts Options
Do you have a couple days during the week where you know you’re probably not going to have a lot of time to spend on dinner? Food City’s Shortcuts options can save you time. You can opt for an entire meal or nutritious side dish. 

Slow Down 
Slowing down when eating can improve digestion and may help you to eat less, by allowing adequate time for your stomach to receive the signal that it has had enough to eat. Try taking 20-30 minutes to eat a meal. 

Drink up
Staying hydrated is important for our metabolism, joints, digestion and much more. Stay hydrated by keeping a reusable water bottle on you to sip on throughout the day. If you’re not a lover of plain water, herbal teas, flavored waters and seltzer waters are just as hydrating and contain no calories or sweeteners.

Fill up with Nutrient-Dense Soups this Winter
Soups can be great way to get a few servings of vegetables in this winter. Enjoy a hearty vegetable soup or lean chili as a main dish or choose a broth-based soup as a nutritious and filling appetizer. Look for selections with Dietitian’s Pick, Heart Healthy and Low Sodium tags at your Food City.

Focus on Fiber 
Fiber is an essential part of a healthy diet and has numerous functions including helping to lower cholesterol and blood sugar, and promoting satiety and digestion. Women should consume 25 grams of fiber, while men should get at least 30 grams daily. Include plenty of fruits and vegetables, beans, whole grains, nuts and seeds in your diet for a boost of fiber. 

Ditch the Salt-Shaker
Herbs, spices, garlic and citrus are great ways to boost flavor without adding salt. Try a squeeze of lime juice for proteins and salads, add grated lemon zest to rice dishes and roasted vegetables, or make your own salt-free seasonings with a combination of herbs and spices.

Make Healthy Eating Convenient for You
To make a change to your eating pattern sustainable, it needs to suit your lifestyle and schedule. To save time during the week, chop vegetables and batch cook and freeze meals for the week ahead. Keep grab and go snacks like apples, nuts, or individually portioned yogurts on hand. Frozen vegetables, canned beans, canned soups and bagged salads make great additions to meals. 

Befriend Breakfast
You may have heard that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. While that is not necessarily true for everyone, eating something within a few hours may improve concentration, stabilize blood sugars and help you meet your nutrient needs. Choose something with protein, fiber-filled carbohydrate and a small amount of fat for a balanced breakfast to fuel your morning. 

Smart Shopping
It can be hard to know where to start when changing eating habit.  Food City wants to make shopping for your health easier. Pickwell Program is designed to give you the tools to shop for tailored nutrition options.  Look for Pickwell tags in store to help you find dietitian’s pick, heart healthy, low sodium, carb aware, whole grain, no added sugar, and gluten free items.  For more information check out our Pick Well page. 

Distraction Free 
Limit distractions during meal time – turn of the TV, put away your cell phone – eat in a well-lit area and try to sit down for meals. This can help your brain engage in eating and help you become more aware of your habits. Distracted eating often means we are not as attentive to hunger and fullness cues.   
Shrink the plate 
If you are trying to work on portion distortion, try shrinking your plate. Find a plate that is approximately the size of your hand when pressed down flat.  Larger plates naturally make us want to fill empty space and add on larger portions.  This can be a quick way to reduce intake without changing what you are eating.  

Don’t Meal skip 
Establish regular meal times throughout the day; never skipping meals or going more than 4-5 hours without eating.  Studies indicate prolonged fasting might lead to a bigger than normal increase in ghrelin, known as “hunger hormone” This encourages you to overeat at your next meal and leading to peaks and crashes in your energy and hunger level.   

Fill the hunger gap  
Have you found yourself munching or grazing throughout the day?  If you are a steady snack-er try to find a way to fit in more nutrients aiming to add vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and healthy fats between balanced meals.  

The Power of Protein  
Protein is essential in maintaining lean muscle tissue which drives your metabolic health.  When consuming protein aim for choices lower in saturated fat and cholesterol, any easy tip:  Count the legs of the animal: fish and poultry – zero to two legs equal leaner protein choices.  Pork and beef– four legs – more total fat and saturated fat per ounce. 

Five a Day  
Building a healthy plate is easy when you make half your plate fruits and vegetables.  Adding color, flavor and texture-- plus vitamins, minerals and fiber.  Buy fresh, frozen and canned. If you are short on time, look for precut fruit and vegetable trays.  Recommendations for health are 2 cups of fruit and 2 ½ cup vegetables per day.  

Meal Planning
If going to the store with a new meal plan in mind is just too overwhelming, try out Food City online recipe and meal planning tool.  You can search a catalog of recipes and add ingredients right to your online shopping cart.  Food city online shopping program allows you to search foods by diet type to find the best options for you and your family.  

Budget Bites
When making changes to your eating, it should not mean extra spending.  You can now easily shop weekly ads, digital coups, and special savings with Food City online shopping.  Making it easier than ever to find fresh foods that you can add directly to your cart or to an online list for instore savings.   

High nutrition at a low cost 
To add a nutrient punch and balanced budget, try these produce staples: bananas, apples, carrots, potatoes, cabbage, and dried beans. Add more color and versatility shopping with the seasons- but look for these foods at a great price all year.  

Get great tips on how to create healthy and hearty soups to keep you warm this winter from the Food City Wellness team.

January is National Soup Month

Make the most of cold weather by celebrating National Soup Month this January!

What if someone told you there was a food that could improve your brain and heart health and takes only minutes to prepare? There is – Fish! Make fish a part of your routine by eating it at least two times per week to provide adequate omega-3 fatty acids.

The Benefits of Fish and Seafood

What if someone told you there was a food that could improve your brain and heart health and takes only minutes to prepare? There is – Fish! Make fish a part of your routine by eating it at least two times per week to provide adequate omega-3 fatty acids.

For one of the most powerful tools to combat inflammation, look no further than your local Food City grocery store.

Inflammation and Food

What exactly is inflammation? While the term typically has a negative connotation, inflammation in a healthy body is a natural part of normal homeostasis or your body’s mechanism to keep everything working properly. For one of the most powerful tools to combat inflammation, look no further than your local Food City grocery store.

Your body goes through quite a number of changes as you get older, but you can stay healthy by making sure you eat enough fiber, protein, and nutrient dense foods. Check out the Food City Wellness Club for more information including tips and tricks for healthy eating!

Growing Healthy While Growing Older

Have you ever thought how your nutrition needs may change as you get older? Interestingly, your body actually needs more protein and fiber, but fewer calories in order to stay healthy.

get tips from Food City registered dietitians have some tips for how you can make your favorite comfort foods a little healthier this holiday season.

Healthy Eating During the Holidays

The holiday season is full of family and food. With all of this delicious food surrounding us, there are times where it may feel like we are over-indulging. However, there are a few changes that you can make to a dish, such as replacing one ingredient or adding a new ingredient, so you can still enjoy your favorite holiday foods without feeling like you are sacrificing your health goals. 

With tips for the Food City Wellness Team you can learn to enjoy all the holiday season has to offer without obsessing over your food choices.

Moderation, Mindfulness, and Balance This Holiday Season

Enjoy all the holiday season has to offer without obsessing over your food choices. With moderation and balance, we  can learn to enjoy all the seasonal treats in a mindful way without comprising our health goals.

Looking for creative ways to use those leftovers and avoid food waste? Check out these tips fro the Food City Wellness team to re-create delicious meals while keeping food safety in mind.

Use Leftovers Wisely

For many of us, the holiday lives on for several days after the day itself through lots and lots of leftovers! If you are looking for creative ways to use those leftovers and avoid food waste, check out these tips to re-create delicious meals while keeping food safety in mind.

November is American Diabetes Month - the perfect time to learn about diabetes and how you can reduce your risk. 

November is American Diabetes Month

Diabetes is the seventh leading cause of death in the United States, and it is estimated that 7 million people are unaware they have it. The good news is that diabetes can often be managed and even prevented with just a few lifestyle changes. November is American Diabetes Month - the perfect time to learn about diabetes and how you can reduce your risk. 

 Sometimes it is difficult to know which foods would best support your heath, especially with the abundance of nutrition information available about food. You can trust the healthy initiatives team at Food City and our new Pick Well program to help support your health goals.

Food City wants to help you “Pick Well”

If you are looking to make positive health changes, paying attention to what you eat is probably on the top of the list when it comes to your health goals. A healthful eating pattern is one that is balanced in all the nutrients your body needs and is sustainable, meaning you actually enjoy the foods you are eating as a part of an overall healthy lifestyle. Sometimes it is difficult to know which foods would best support your heath, especially with the abundance of nutrition information available about food.

You may think it is easy to spot whole grains and gluten-free foods in the store, but looks can be deceiving. Food City's Pick Well program helps you identify these items and other healthy attributes in our stores and online. Look for them today.

Pick Well Whole Grain & Gluten Free Attributes

Whole grains are loaded with vitamins, minerals, and fiber to keep you fuller longer and promote a healthy digestive tract and heart. If you want to learn more about whole grains and how to find them in the grocery store, plus how they relate to the popular term “Gluten Free,” keep reading below!

A heart-healthy eating pattern is one that is balanced in all of the food groups including fruits, vegetables, whole grains and high-fiber starches, low-fat dairy, lean protein, and healthy fats. Find all your favorite heart healthy foods at your local Food City grocery store.

Stay Heart Healthy

A heart-healthy eating pattern is one that is balanced in all of the food groups including fruits, vegetables, whole grains and high-fiber starches, low-fat dairy, lean protein, and healthy fats. Here are some tips to support your body’s hardest working muscle – your heart!

If you are looking to add nutrients or lighten up some of those classic recipes, look for the Dietitian’s Pick shelf-tag program in Food City stores and online.

Dietitian’s Pick Program

With the holiday season upon us, you may be wondering how you can work towards your health goals while still enjoying the food and festivities of the season. While many of us are looking to make positive health changes, remember that a healthful eating pattern is one that is balanced and sustainable. So, you should definitely enjoy all of your favorite holiday foods! However, if you are looking to add nutrients or lighten up some of those classic recipes, look for the Dietitian’s Pick shelf-tag program in Food City stores and online.

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. LEarn more form your helpful Food City Pharmacy team.

Breast Cancer Awareness Month

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month! While genetics do play a role in risk of cancer, adequate nutrition has also been linked to chronic disease prevention, including some cancers. In fact, it is estimated that one third of deaths related to cancer in the United States are associated with diet. Here are some general guidelines for a healthy diet for disease prevention.

Fall in love with Fall produce. Pick up all your favorite Fall produce (and more) curbside with GoCart at a Food City grocery store near you.

Fall in Love with Fall Produce

If there’s one more thing to love about fall it’s fall produce! Eating fruits and vegetables in season is not only fresher and cheaper, but it is more nutritious too! What’s in season depends on where you live, but there are few fall favorites that get lots of the attention this time of year.

Get helpful tricks and tips on how to get more fiber in your diet from your friends at Food City.


Do you love nutrition? I sure do, with every fiber of my being!  Speaking of fiber...you have probably been told to eat more fiber, but do you really know why?  Fiber is essential to a healthy diet, and it’s best known for its role in gastrointestinal health. However, fiber can provide other health benefits as well, such as helping to maintain a healthy weight by promoting satiety, and lowering your risk of diabetes, heart disease and some types of cancers. 

 Healthify your Halloween festivities by including nutritious dairy. Stop by your local Food City for a wide variety of healthy and flavorful dairy (and non-dairy) foods.

Hauntingly Healthy Halloween with Nutritious Dairy

Halloween is just around the corner, a holiday with tricks, and most importantly, treats! While Halloween is a great opportunity to teach kids to enjoy treats in moderation as a part of a healthful eating plan, there are also ways to healthify your Halloween festivities by including nutritious dairy.

Celebrate National Family Meals Month with help from your local Food City grocery store. Commit to each at least one meal together a week.

National Family Meals Month

It’s that time of year again! September is National Family Meals Month, a time of year when we all focus on getting back around the dinner table as much as possible to enjoy meals with family

Stop by your local Food City and pick out some fresh produce for nutrient packed healthy meals at home.

Produce-Packed Home-Cooked Meals

September is not only National Family Meals Month, it’s also Fruits and Veggies-More Matters Month! Fruits and vegetables are loaded with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and fiber – that’s why they should make up half of your plate at meals! These nutrients help to boost the immune system and reduce your risk of developing chronic disease

Get creative with your slow cooker and pick up everything you need for dinner tonight (and tomorrow) curbside with GoCart at a Food City grocery store near you.

Busy Weeknight Mealtime Tips

You are finally on your way home from work or an after-school activity, when the inevitable question arises, “What’s for dinner?” The solution to your mealtime dilemma: the slow cooker.

Get helpful tricks and tips on how to make mealtimes a little easier from your friends at Food City.

Family Mealtime “Hacks”

Looking for a few Family Mealtime Hacks” to help you get dinner on the table? These simple “hacks” have a healthy twist to help you create delicious and nutritious meals in no time.

Food City family of brands offer a wide variety of healthy meal options and additions, like walnuts, that ca add a real a nutrient-boost to your meals.

Celebrating National Family Meals Month with Walnuts

It’s National Family Meals Month! There are many ways to enjoy walnuts as a part of a delicious meal or snack enjoyed with your family. Plus, walnuts pack a nutritious punch too. 

Enjoy “fresh” all summer long with fresh fruits and vegetables from your local Food City grocery store!

National Fruits and Veggies Month

Celebrate the International Year of Fruits and Vegetables with Bowls from Around the World

The United Nations has declared 2021 as the International Year of Fruits and Vegetables! This year is about raising awareness of the important contribution of fruits and vegetables in the diverse eating patterns and food traditions enjoyed by different communities and cultures.

Stop by your local Food City and pick out some fresh products you and your child can make together at home. Most of the time if kids are involved in the preparation of the food, they will be more likely to eat it!

Kid-Friendly Kitchen Tasks

August is Kids Eat Right Month! Most of the time if kids are involved in the preparation of the food, they will be more likely to eat it! It is important to get your kids in the kitchen at a young age and help them master simple cooking skills before they get older and practice more complex ones. The following ideas are age-appropriate tasks to get your kids excited about cooking and eating healthfully! 

Food City family of brands offer a wide variety of snacks including many whole grain and healthier version of popular snacks your child will love.

Raising a Smart Snacker

Does it seem like it's always snack time at your house? Snacking is common for adults and kids alike, and can be a healthy bridge to fuel the metabolism between meals. Unplanned grazing, however, can contribute to hunger and satiety issues and eating too many calories overall. Avoid the never-ending snack time, and focus on planned snacks at home and at after-school events.

It’s August, so that means it’s tailgate time! Pick up everything you need for a winning tailgate curbside with GoCart today at a Food City grocery store near you.

Tailgate the Healthy Way

Every good tailgating party involves delicious foods. Typical tailgating foods are high in calories, fat, and sodium. You can still have a great time with good eats and feel good about the food choices you make. Eating healthy is all about moderation; so choose your favorite dishes but pair them with healthier sides, sauces, and beverages to create a balanced meal. 

 Foods that have the Dietitian’s Pick shelf-tag meet certain nutrient criteria, developed the Food City Registered Dietitian and Healthy Initiatives team.

New Dietitian’s Pick Shelf-Tag Program at Food City!

Sometimes it is difficult to know which foods would best support your heath. Well, now shopping for your health is easy with the new Dietitian’s Pick shelf-tag program in Food City stores.

There are lots of plants that lend themselves to grilling. Learn more about what fresh produce from your local Food City grocery store is best fro grilling this summer.

Chillin & Grillin

Summer means it’s time to fire up the grill and chill by the pool with a plant-packed snack. We’ve got you covered with hot and cold plant hacks to keep you satisfied all summer long.

Enjoy “fresh” all summer long with fresh fruits and vegetables from your local Food City grocery store!

Show your Summertime Support for Local Growers

Summertime is all about fresh and nothing says fresh like fresh fruits and vegetables! Plus, it doesn’t get much fresher than local produce. That’s why at Food City, they have a local growers program which supports local farmers and producers by purchasing their crops to bring delicious fresh produce to their stores for everyone to enjoy! 

It’s July, so that means it’s Beef Month in Tennessee! Pick some up today at a Food City grocery store near you.

July is Beef Month in Tennessee

It’s July, so that means it’s Beef Month in Tennessee! Red meats, like beef, can be a beneficial part of an overall balanced eating pattern. Beef is an excellent source of protein and provides 10 different essential nutrients including B-vitamins, zinc, and iron. These nutrients are important throughout life for strength and growth. 

Celebrate Men's Health Month this June. Get tips from the Food City Wellness team on how you can eat a little healthier.

Celebrate Men’s Health Month

Healthy eating is important for all of us. Food is more than just fuel, and eating the right amount of servings of each food group can prevent men from developing long term diseases and keep them living longer.

Nothing spoils a good time faster than a case of foodborne illness. Learn how to keep your grilling activities this summer safe and healthy.

Tips for Food Safety at the Grill

June is the official start of the season for chilling and grilling. No matter what you are grilling, don’t forget to keep the rules for food safety in mind. Nothing spoils a good time faster than a case of foodborne illness.

June is National Dairy Month. Find your favorite Dairy and Dairy alternative products at your local Food City grocery store.

‘Till the Cows Come Home

Did you know that June is National Dairy Month? Luckily, dairy is in season all year long, so you don’t have to wait for summer to enjoy your favorite dairy foods.

Fresh mushrooms are healthy and delicious. Try them raw, cooked, or chopped and blended with ground meats in your favorite recipes like burgers, tacos, or meatballs. Pick some up today at a Food City grocery store near you.

Mushrooms & Vitamin D

Vitamin D has gotten a lot of buzz lately! In addition to being critical for overall health and a major contributor to the immune system, vitamin D is essential for absorption of calcium, phosphorus and magnesium, which helps to maintain bone strength.

Get tips how you can keep your food safe from Food City.

Keep Your Lunches Safe

If you pack a lunch for work or a fun day outdoors, do you think about food safety? Half of Americans admit that they often leave their lunch boxes out of the refrigerator even though they include perishable foods. If you throw your lunch in a non-insulated bag without an ice pack and leave it out of refrigeration for more than one to two hours, your food is at risk of being contaminated with microorganisms. As the weather gets warmer, the risk of foodborne illness gets higher, making it very important to keep your food cold or refrigerate it promptly.

Are you looking for an eating pattern that can improve your overall health and can be a long-term lifestyle choice?   Well, the Mediterranean diet may be the perfect meal plan for you! Find everything you need to eat better at your local Food City grocery store.

Making Your Meals Mediterranean

The Mediterranean diet — which includes vegetables, fruits, herbs, beans, whole grains and nuts — is an eating pattern is sustainable, healthy, and can be a lifestyle choice for years to come.

Pickup up some fresh seasonal fruits, vegetables, fresh meats and more at your local Food City grocery store so you can get your grill sizzling this Memorial day..

Get the Grills Sizzling for Memorial Day

The weather is warm, which means it’s time to get the grills hot! Memorial Day is coming up, and that means more fun in the sun. What’s better than a healthy, grilled meal during Memorial Day weekend?

Learn more from Food City Registered Dietitian Elizabeth Hall about “brain foods” on your plate to keep you feeling healthy and happy this summer!

Summer Foods for a Good Mood

Nutrition plays a huge role in physical health, but it can also affect your mental edge and overall mood. 

See how you can mininmize food waste and make every day Earth Day with tips from Food City.

Make Every Day Earth Day

Earth Day is April 22! What exactly does that have to do with food and nutrition? Well, it takes precious resources to produce the nourishing foods needed to sustain life on earth. Helping to reduce the amount of wasted food is one way we all can be a part of a sustainable food production process. Reducing food waste means less food would find its way into landfills, where it would have been contributing to greenhouse gas emissions.

At Food City, we purchase produce from local farmers so you get the freshest and most nutritious food for your family’s table. When fruits and vegetables are in season locally, they are at their peak nutritional value - meaning produce in season has more nutrients than when it is out of season. Make sure to enjoy your favorites all season long from a Food City grocery store near you.

Locally Grown

We all know fruits and vegetables are good for us, but local produce is even better! At Food City, we purchase produce from local farmers so you get the freshest and most nutritious food for your family’s table. When fruits and vegetables are in season locally, they are at their peak nutritional value - meaning produce in season has more nutrients than when it is out of season. Make sure to enjoy your favorites all season long!

Pickup up some fresh seasonal fruits and vegetables at your local Food City grocery store.

Spring Foods Bring Renewal and Restoration

Spring is in the air! Spring is a time for renewal and to restore healthy habits that may have slacked during the long winter months. When we talk about healthy eating, we often focus on what not to eat instead of highlighting foods we should be adding to our daily routine. Spring is a perfect time to hit the reset button and add spring fruits and vegetables to your plate.

Learn more about how you and your family can be more plant forward.

Why be Plant-Forward?

Being plant-forward is on trend in today’s society for health and sustainability reasons. Going plant-based just means that you are focusing on an eating pattern based primarily on plants. This includes not only fruits and vegetables, but also nuts, seeds, oils, whole grains, legumes, and beans. Being plant-forward doesn’t necessarily mean you are a vegetarian or vegan or that you never eat meat or dairy. Plant-based doesn’t have to mean plants-only! 

Get nutrition tips from Food City on the importance of making informed food choices that lead to a healthy eating pattern.

Celebrate National Nutrition Month

March is National Nutrition Month; an annual campaign created by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics to help us all shift and refocus on the importance of making informed food choices that lead to a healthy eating pattern. The theme this year is to Personalize your Plate because we all have a food story and the foods we grow up eating are often influenced by our family’s culture. 

Take advantage of the natural green goodness of avocados to create a festive St. Patrick's Day spread that’s delicious and nutritious. Find fresh avocados today at your local Food City produce department.

Avocados for St. Patrick’s Day

We all wear green on St. Patrick’s Day, but why not eat green as well? Go green with avocados for a naturally green spread that’s delicious and nutritious.

During the month of March, we celebrate nutritious and convenient frozen foods; an affordable way to get your daily dose of fruits, vegetables, and other important food groups. Find a wide selection of frozen foods at your local Food City grocery store.

March is Frozen Food Month

Did you know that March is National Frozen Food Month? During the month of March, we celebrate nutritious and convenient frozen foods; an affordable way to get your daily dose of fruits, vegetables, and other important food groups. With so many options to choose from, you are sure to find something to satisfy your taste buds and help get an affordable meal on the table in no time.

Learn from from Food City Registered Dietitian Elizabeth Hall how nutrition and sleep work together for a healthier, happier you.

Nutrition and Sleep

Nutrition and sleep play an important role in health. Being aware of how your sleep and nutrition interact can help you focus on building a healthy eating pattern, getting more sleep, and living a healthier life.

Pickup up some of whole grains at your local Food City grocery store.

Whole Grains Sampling Day

March 31 is Whole Grains Sampling Day! Whole grains are rich in vitamins, minerals, and fiber to keep you fuller longer and promote a healthy digestive system. Include more whole grains in your eating plan by learning about what they are and how to find them in the grocery store.

Get nutrition tips from Food City Registered Dietitian Elizabeth Hall on how to eat for a healthier heart

Celebrate American Heart Month

February is all about celebrating hearts, from Valentine’s Day to American Heart Month! Heart disease remains among the leading causes of death in the United States; but in some cases, there are modifiable risk factors to prevent this disease. It’s important that we protect our hearts. 

Get tips for a healthier homegating experience this year from Food City Registered Dietitian Elizabeth Hall.

Home-Gate the Healthy Way!

One of the biggest games of the year is right around the corner. This year will look a little different for most us as we move our tailgating parties home: home-gating! Of course, food will still be an important part of celebrating the big game; but what about those healthy eating New Year’s resolutions? Traditional tailgating snacks are high in saturated fat, sodium or added sugar – not the healthiest options.

Walnuts are a heart healthy nut that are a delicious and nutritious addition to any diet! Find a variety of fresh and healthy items at a Food City grocery store near you.

Enjoy Walnuts for American Heart Month

It’s that time again! February is American Heart Month and the perfect time to eat more walnuts which support heart health. Eating walnuts may positively affect various factors related to heart health including cholesterol, blood pressure and inflammation. In addition, research has explored their potential benefits on cognitive function, gut health, and reproductive health as well as their role in reducing risk of diabetes and certain types of cancers.

Pickup up some of your favorite dark chocolate inspired treats  for Valentine's Day or any day at your local Food City grocery store.

Enjoy Dark Chocolate for a Heart Healthy Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day is notorious for sweets which includes…chocolate! Enjoying treats in moderation is an important part of a sustainable healthy eating plan. If you are looking to add a nutrient-boost to your Valentine’s Day goodies this year, look no further than dark chocolate!

Focusing on the food groups and getting a balanced amount of each, ensures you get all the nutrients your body needs to not only survive, but thrive! Find a variety of fresh and healthy items at a Food City grocery store near you.

Focus on the Food Groups

With a myriad of nutrition information out there, many of us are left wondering…how can I eat healthfully? Every person is different, so a healthful eating pattern will vary as well. Focusing on the food groups and getting a balanced amount of each, ensures you get all the nutrients your body needs to not only survive, but thrive! 

Looking for a few Life Hacks to start off 2021? Get some great tips from the Food City team on how to start your year off right.

“Life Hacks” for 2021

Looking for a few “Life Hacks” in 2021? Why not incorporate a healthy twist with these simple “hacks” to create delicious and nutritious meals in no time.

Get nutrition tips from Food City on to eat healthy for a healthier pregnancy.

Eating for a Healthy Pregnancy

While nutrition is important during all phases of life, healthy eating is especially important during pregnancy to ensure that you and your baby get all the nutrients needed for growth and development.

January 24 is National Peanut Butter Day. Celebrate by pickip up some of your favorite peanut butter inspired treats at your local Food City grocery store.

January 24 is National Peanut Butter Day

Did you know that January 24 is National Peanut Butter Day? As a peanut butter lover myself, a whole day dedicated to celebrating this tasty, creamy or crunchy, nut spread sounds just right. And I’m not alone! Americans love peanuts so much that 94% of American homes have at least one jar of peanut butter in the pantry!

Food City's Registered Dietitian Nutritionists are always here to help!

What is a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist?

There is a myriad of nutrition information out there which can often be confusing and sometimes conflicting depending on where you look. Who can you trust for nutrition recommendations? Look no further than a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist, the official title for a dietitian.

When bright red and green decorations adorn our homes and communities, we know the holiday season is in full swing! Use these colors to build a festive holiday plate as well!

Build a Festive Holiday Plate

When bright red and green decorations adorn our homes and communities, we know the holiday season is in full swing! Use these colors to build a festive holiday plate as well!

Food can influence your mood. Learn more about what to eat this holiday season to improve your mood.

Food for a Good Mood

Dropping temperatures and shortened days can deplete energy levels along with mood. Plus, being less active in the colder months can also dampen an upbeat mood. To combat these winter blues, improve your mood through food by incorporating these fresh produce picks.

The holiday season is packed full of food-focused holidays, and proper food safety is key to making sure your meals are delicious and safe.

Holiday Food Safety

Even outside of a global pandemic, during this time of year we are focused on avoiding seasonal illnesses, such as the flu, but we often forget about avoiding foodborne illness. The holiday season is packed full of food-focused holidays, and proper food safety is key to making sure your meals are delicious and safe.

Did you know that more than half of resolutions fail? The problem might not be you…it might be your resolution!

Setting SMART Goals for your New Year’s Resolutions

Did you know that more than half of resolutions fail? The problem might not be you…it might be your resolution!

Practice moderation, mindfulness, and balance this holiday season with these tips from Elizabeth Hall, MS, RDN, LDN, Food City Registered Dietitian.

Moderation, Mindfulness, and Balance This Holiday Season

The holiday season is about celebrating and enjoying time spent with family and friends, and not obsessing over your food choices. Practice moderation, mindfulness, and balance this holiday season.

November is American Diabetes Month. Take time to learn more about diabetes and how you can make sure to reduce your risk.

American Diabetes Month

In 2018, 34.2 million Americans had diabetes. That’s 10.5% of the U.S. population! Diabetes is also the seventh leading cause of death among Americans. Thankfully, studies show that there are modifiable risk factors to slow the progression or even prevent diabetes. November is American Diabetes Month. So this month, learn more about diabetes and how you can make sure to reduce your risk.

Get tips from Food City on how to use your holiday leftovers safely and creatively.

Creative Ways to Safely Use Leftovers

For many of us, the holiday season lives on for several days after the day itself through lots and lots of leftovers! Are you looking for creative ways to use those leftovers and avoid food waste? Here are some tips to re-create delicious meals while keeping food safety in mind.

Unfortunately, forty percent of food in America gets thrown away annually, often due to cooking too much or not storing food properly.

Avoiding Food Waste

This time of year, you may find yourself with excess food that you don’t know what to do with. Forty percent of food in America gets thrown away annually, often due to cooking too much or not storing food properly. It’s important throughout the holiday season, and all year long, to live more sustainably, limit food waste, and if you have excess food, to give to those in need.

Make eating fresh produce from your local Food City a not so “ghostly” part of your Halloween festivities this year.

Have a Plant for Halloween

Halloween is a great opportunity to teach kids to enjoy special treats in moderation as a part of an overall healthful eating plan. Make eating produce a not so “ghostly” part of your Halloween festivities this year.

This October, celebrate Breast Cancer Awareness Month, by focusing on small, actionable goals to reduce your risk of cancer and promote your health. Learn more about what you can do from Food City's Registered Dietitian Elizabeth Hall, MS, RDN, LDN.

Tips for Cancer Prevention

This October, celebrate Breast Cancer Awareness Month, by focusing on small, actionable goals to reduce your risk of cancer and promote your health.

Find the flawless formula for creating your own inspired Fall soups and stews from your friends at Food City.

DIY Warm and Toasty Soup

DIY or do-it-yourself is all the rage from home renovations to virtual school projects. Creating a DIY healthy soup is super easy and a convenient way to use extra produce that is about to go bad in a delicious one pot meal. As the weather gets cooler, experiment with your own warm and toasty DIY creations by following these simple steps.

Fall produce is here! Get your favorites at your local Food City including fresh winter squash.

“Fall” in Love with Winter Squash

Fall is here! Although it is still a little hot outside, crisp autumn air and fall foliage are coming our way and this beautiful season is often accompanied with delicious fall produce, including winter squash!

Food City is celebrating the National Family Meals Movement this September, a nationwide event designed to underscore the benefits of family meals and the role we can play in helping your family share one more meal at home per week.

Stay Strong with Family Meals

Join the Family Meals movement this September and commit to one more meal at home per week! Discover how one small change per week can improve your family’s health and happiness.

Trying to include more plant-based proteins in your family’s meals? Pulses, which includes peas, beans, lentils, and chickpeas are nutritionally-dense, edible seeds of legumes that pack a serious punch when it comes to their health benefits.

National Family Meals Month with Pulses

Trying to include more plant-based proteins in your family’s meals? Look no further than pulses. These nutritional-dense edible seeds of legumes pack a serious punch when it comes to their health benefits.

Pick up some versatile, nutritious pork from your local Food City grocery store!

Celebrate National Family Meals Month with Pork

National Family Meals Month is in full swing. Are you looking for a quick and easy entrée to prepare for dinner tonight? Pick up some versatile, nutritious pork from your local Food City grocery store!

Walnuts are great for your health and we have a variety of walnuts to choose from at your local Food City grocery store.

Celebrating National Family Meals Month with Walnuts

It’s National Family Meals Month! There are many ways to enjoy walnuts as a part of a delicious meal or snack enjoyed with your family. Plus, walnuts pack a nutritious punch too.

There are many benefits to jumpstarting your day with a healthy and nutritious breakfast. Learn more about why breakfast is the most important meal of the day.

Why Eat Breakfast?

You’ve probably heard that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. So why do so many of us skip it? There are many benefits to jumpstarting your day with a healthy and nutritious breakfast.

Get tips from Food City Registered Dietitian on how to helthify your family pizza night.

“Healthify” Pizza Night!

Pizza is one of those all-in-one foods that contains all of the food groups for a balanced and delicious meal! If you are looking to make your own pizza at home, there are many ways to add nutrients and flavor. “Healthify” your go-to recipe! Try these ideas for a homemade pizza as a healthy addition to this week’s meal plan.

August is Kids Eat Right Month!  Stop by your local Food City grocery store and grab all your necessities to prepare a delicious treat with your child.

Kids in the Kitchen

August is Kids Eat Right Month! Most of the time, if kids are involved in the preparation of the food, they will be more likely to eat it! It is important to get your kids in the kitchen at a young age and help them master simple cooking skills before they get older and practice more complex ones.

Many of us are trying to include more plant-based proteins into our meal plans for health reasons. Food City suggests trying these five plant-based proteins in your weekly meal routine.

5 Plant-Based Proteins to Add to Your Plate

Many of us are trying to include more plant-based proteins into our meal plans for health reasons. While animal proteins contain important nutrients, plant-based proteins are typically lower in saturated fat, a nutrient many of us are trying to limit. Plus, plant-based proteins often contain antioxidants and fiber important for immune and digestive health. Try these five plant-based proteins in your weekly meal routine.

Food City has some great tips to keep your next vacation healthy and nutritious.

Tips for Eating Healthier on (Socially Distant) Vacations

Although traveling looks different now, many are hitting the road for a socially distant vacation. With a little planning, your meals and snacks can stay delicious and balanced on your next trip.

At Food City, we purchase produce from local farmers when possible so you get the freshest and most nutritious food for your family’s table. Find your favorite locally grown produce at the nearest Food City grocery store.

Locally Grown

We all know fruits and vegetables are good for us, but local produce is even better! At Food City, we purchase produce from local farmers when possible so you get the freshest and most nutritious food for your family’s table. When fruits and vegetables are in season locally, they are at their peak nutritional value - meaning produce in season has more nutrients than when it is out of season. Enjoy your favorites all season long!

Before you hit the trail this summer, stop by your local Food City grocery to stock up on healthy snacks and hydration supplies.

Nutrition Tips for Hiking

During this season of social distancing, many of us are taking to the great outdoors to enjoy nature through a hike. Before you hit the trail, it is important to make sure you are fueling appropriately. Here are a few tips to help you pack smart hiking snacks and meals.

While meat is often the star of any cookout, sauces and sides really round out a meal cooked on the grill. Find great recipes you can make at home at the Food City Meals and Recipes center.

Summer Sauces and Sides

While meat is often the star of any cookout, sauces and sides really round out a meal cooked on the grill. Making these items at home is easy, plus, homemade options allow you to boost nutrition while avoiding extra sodium, sugar, and saturated fat.

Celebrate the United “Tastes” of America with a menu that highlights foods produced in our own backyard. get everything you need for your next cookout at your local Food City grocery store.

The United “Tastes” of America

A Fourth of July cookout is the perfect place to honor all of the traditional, healthy, and delicious food grown in the United States. Celebrate the United “Tastes” of America with a menu that highlights foods produced in our own backyard.

June is Men’s Health Month. Learn more from your local Food City Registered Dietitian.

Men’s Health Month

June is Men’s Health Month. Proper nutrition from all the food groups not only provides fuel for the body, but can also help prevent men from developing long term diseases and keep them living longer.

June is National Dairy month. Find all your favorite dairy items at yur local Food City grocery store.

Celebrate National Dairy Month

On average, most people don’t meet their daily recommended intake of dairy. Dairy foods can be found in abundance in the grocery store, so it’s easy to find lots of different and delicious ways to enjoy it!

Food City has some simple steps for a cookout with Dad that's tasty and good for you.

Father’s Day Grilling

May as Mental Health Month! Nutrition plays a huge role in physical health, but also in mental health. Here are how the different food groups can affect your mental edge and overall mood.

Find fresh mangoes at your local Food City produce department all summer long.


Although mangos are available all year long, peak availability of the three main varieties we mostly enjoy in the U.S. arrive in May through August. Just like peaches, nectarines and plums, summer-time is the perfect season to enjoy a ripe and ready mango!

May as Mental Health Month! Nutrition plays a huge role in physical health, but also in mental health.

Foods for a Good Mood

May as Mental Health Month! Nutrition plays a huge role in physical health, but also in mental health. Here are how the different food groups can affect your mental edge and overall mood.

Spring is the perfect time to add produce to your plate. Pick up the freshest locally grown produce at your local Food City grocery today.

Produce Picks for Spring

When we talk about healthy eating, we often focus on what not to eat instead of highlighting foods we should be adding to our daily routines. Spring is the perfect time to add produce to your plate.

Pick up everything you need for a healthy and delicious Mediterranean inspired meal tonight at your local Food City grocery store.

Go Mediterranean

You’ve probably heard of the Mediterranean lifestyle and that it is beneficial for health and longevity. This diet was developed after studying the eating patterns of those who live in countries surrounding the Mediterranean Sea. Although we are far from the Mediterranean, there are easy ways we can go Mediterranean even while living in a land-locked state!

During this time at home, finding ways to extend the life of the fresh produce you have is essential. Simply Done storage solutions, found at your local Food City grocery, can help make your foods last longer

How to Keep Your Produce Fresh for Longer

During this time at home, finding ways to extend the life of the fresh produce you have is essential. Storing fresh produce properly can help you keep your house stocked with fresh foods longer. Follow these tips to store your produce for lasting freshness and flavor!

During this time, and all the time, make sure to keep your kitchen stocked with versatile items with a long shelf-life from your local Food City grocery store that help you pull a nutrient-rich meal together quickly and easily.

Ultimate Guide to Pantry Stocking

During this time, and all the time, make sure to keep your kitchen stocked with versatile items with a long shelf-life that help you pull a nutrient-rich meal together quickly and easily.

Arbor Day is April 24th, a day to celebrate trees and how much they provide for us--specifically recycling carbon dioxide and providing shade!

Arbor Day

Arbor Day is April 24th, a day to celebrate trees and how much they provide for us--specifically recycling carbon dioxide and providing shade!

While you are stuck at home, share your favorite food preparation and cooking tips with your kids or significant other. Sharing meals together is so important for physical and mental health.

Preparing Meals with the Family

While you are stuck at home, share your favorite food preparation and cooking tips with your kids or significant other. Sharing meals together is so important for physical and mental health.

Get great tips from Food City on how to keep your meals healthy and satisfying while keeping taste a top priority.

Flavorful Meals at Home

Many of us are making more meals at home these days, which can actually be a great benefit for your family’s health! Making meals at home gives you more control over the nutrition in your food and can be better for your budget. Try these tips to keep your meals healthy and satisfying while keeping taste a top priority.

During these uncertain times, picking the right groceries to stock your fridge and pantry shelves can be challenge. Get some helpful advice and recipes from the Food City nutrtionist.

Quick and Easy (Mostly) Shelf-Stable Meals

During these uncertain times, picking the right groceries to stock your fridge and pantry shelves can be challenge. Selecting a variety of shelf-stable foods and combining with fresh ingredients, when available, is a great way to be prepared and to eat healthy at the same time. Get some great recipes and pantry stocking tips.

Baking Substitutions

Ran out of an ingredient you needed or just unable to source your normal products? Don't worry, we are here to help with this list of common baking substitutions.

Baking Powder
For every 1 teaspoon of baking powder called for in the recipe, combine ¼ teaspoon baking soda and ½ teaspoon cream of tartar.

Baking Soda
For every ¼ teaspoon used in the recipe, substitute 1 teaspoon baking powder.

Bread Crumbs
Don't have time to make your own breadcrumbs? Use rolled oats or crushed bran cereal in the same ratio as the breadcrumbs in your recipe. For example, for 1/2 cup breadcrumbs use 1/2 cup rolled oats.

Brown Sugar
For each cup of brown sugar, substitute 1 scant cup granulated sugar and 1 tablespoon molasses, or try 3/4 cup of pure maple syrup.

There are a lot of tried and true substitutes for butter in your recipes. For every 1/2 or one stick of butter try one of these replacements: ½ cup margarine (that contains at least 80% oil), ½ cup coconut oil, 6 tablespoons oil, ¼ cup applesauce, ¼ cup buttermilk, 2 tablespoons applesauce + 2 tablespoons buttermilk, ½ cup pureed avocado, 6 tablespoons canned pumpkin, or ¼ cup Greek yogurt.

Sometimes you just forget to grab the buttermilk. You can always, for each cup of buttermilk, mix 1 tablespoon of vinegar (white or cider) or fresh lemon juice with 1 cup of milk. Let stand for 5 minutes then use in your favorite recipe. Can't wait five minutes? You can also use 1 cup of plain yogurt

For every 1 tablespoon of cornstarch, substitute 1½ tablespoons all-purpose flour.

For bread, pancakes, waffles or other baked goods, you can mix 1 tablespoons ground flax meal and 3 tablespoons cold water for every 1 egg in the recipe. Let the mixture rest for 10 minutes before adding. For every egg called for in a recipe you can also try one of the substitutions: ¼ cup unsweetened applesauce, ¼ cup mashed banana or ¼ cup oil (vegetable or canola). Also 2 tablespoons water + 1 teaspoon oil + 2 teaspoons baking soda mixed together makes for another great equivalent for an egg when needed.

Don't have time to grab a gallon of milk, or just can't find it at the store? When baking, mix 1 cup of water with 1 1/2 teaspoons of butter for every cup of whole milk in your recipe.

Sour Cream
Use plain yogurt or buttermilk as a 1:1 replacement for your favorite baked goods.

For every teaspoon of vinegar use 2 teaspoons of white wine or 1 teaspoons of lemon or lime juice.

White sugar
For every 1 cup of white sugar try one of these alternatives in your next recipe: 1 ¼ cup powdered sugar, ¾ cup honey, ¾ cup corn syrup or ¾ cup 100% maple syrup.

It’s March and that means it’s National Nutrition Month, an annual campaign created by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics focused on the importance of making informed food choices. Food City has a weekly plan to help you focus on healthier habits.

Eat Right – Bite by Bite

It’s March and that means it’s National Nutrition Month, an annual campaign created by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics focused on the importance of making informed food choices.

Good nutrition helps to prevent acute and chronic illness. Several nutrients in foods build and support a healthy immune system which helps to fight infection and keep you from getting sick.

Build a Healthy Immune System with Good Nutrition

Good nutrition helps to prevent acute and chronic illness. Several nutrients in foods build and support a healthy immune system which helps to fight infection and keep you from getting sick.

Go green with your food and in a sustainable way with these tips fro your local Food City grocery store for celebrating St. Patrick’s Day.

Go Green for St. Patrick’s Day

We all wear green on St. Patrick’s Day, but why not eat green as well? Go green with your food and in a sustainable way with these tips for celebrating St. Patrick’s Day.

Include more whole grains in your eating plan by learning about what they are and how to find them in your local Food City grocery store.

Whole Grains Sampling Day

Whole grains are loaded with vitamins, minerals, and fiber to keep you fuller longer and promote a healthy digestive tract. Include more whole grains in your eating plan by learning about what they are and how to find them in the grocery store.

At Food City, we are picky about produce. We hope you are too. Being picky about produce means you not only care about the quality, but food safety as well.

Be Picky About Your Produce

A plant-based diet is all the rage and for a good reason! Fruits and vegetables are low in calories but high in nutrients including vitamins, minerals, fiber, and antioxidants which keep you feeling great and reduce your risk of chronic disease. Being picky about produce means you not only care about the quality, but food safety as well.

Celebrate February as American Heart Month with Food City by focusing on heart-healthy tips for your family.

Help Your Family Stay Heart Healthy

While a scary statistic, heart disease remains the leading cause of death in America. While we often think of disease as something to worry about later, when it comes to atherosclerosis, or plaque build-up in the arteries, this accumulation of fatty deposits can start to occur at age two! Therefore, it is important that we instill heart-healthy habits in our kids at an early age. Celebrate February as American Heart Month by focusing on heart-healthy tips for your family.

Fresh fish and seafood from your local Food City grocery store is the perfect way to support your heart this February for American Heart Month!

Scrumptious Seafood

What if someone told you there was a food that could improve your brain and heart health and takes only minutes to prepare? There is – Fish! Make fish a part of your routine by eating it at least two times per week to provide adequate omega-3 fatty acids. It’s the perfect way to support your heart this February for American Heart Month!

Walnuts are great for your health and we have a variety of walnuts to choose from at your local Food City grocery store.

Wonderful Walnuts

It’s American Heart Month! Looking for a way to support your heart, but don’t like fish? Walnuts are the only nut that have a significant amount of omega-3 fatty acids called alpha-linolenic acid (ALA). This essential fatty acid is critical to many body processes including anti-inflammation, which helps to reduce risk of chronic diseases. Walnuts support heart health by affecting cholesterol, specifically lowering the amount of bad cholesterol while increasing the amount of good cholesterol and having a beneficial effect on blood pressure. Just one ounce of walnuts also provides 4 grams of protein and 2 grams of fiber. Talk about a nutrient-boost!

This year, your local Food City grocery has some tips to help you avoid being tackled by calorie-dense foods while watching the big game.

A Healthier Big Game Party

It’s that time of year again: time for the Big Game! Whether you are rooting for your favorite team, love watching football, or are just excited to hang out with friends, all get-togethers are incomplete without delicious food! Coming off the holiday season, many of us have made healthy eating goals and tailgating snacks do not typically measure up. Most football snacks are fried, coated in cheese or a combination of both – not the healthiest options. This year, we have some tips to help you avoid being tackled by calorie-dense foods while watching the big game.

Diet can help ease the pain of inflammation. An overall balanced diet full of high-fiber plant foods such as whole grains, fruits, and vegetables as well as healthy fats from fish, seafood, nuts, and seeds can help to enhance the body’s immune system and provide antioxidants that reduce inflammation.

Inflammation and Food

What exactly is inflammation? While the term typically has a negative connotation, inflammation in a healthy body is a natural part of normal homeostasis or your body’s mechanism to keep everything working properly.

National Booch Day is January 15! Let your friends at Food City help you celebrate.

National Booch Day

is January 15

Did you know that there is a whole day dedicated to celebrating kombucha? National Booch Day is January 15! What is kombucha? Kombucha is a tea that is made through a fermentation process. It’s sweet and fizzy and could have some health benefits by providing beneficial bacteria to the body.

National Soup Month this January! Head over to he Food City Meals & Recipe center for a variety of soup, stew, and chili recipes.

Stay Warm with Soups

Even though the holiday season is wrapping up, the cold weather is going to stick around for a bit longer. Let’s make the most of this cozy weather by celebrating National Soup Month this January! There is nothing quite like coming in from the cold and sitting down with the whole family to enjoy a steaming bowl of warm soup.

While the holiday season is fun and positive for many, for caregivers, it can be a time of stress and burnout. We sat down with Sarah Hines, LCSW, at the Erlanger Neuroscience Institute to find out how we can care for those who make it their job to care for others.


Interview with Sarah Hines, LCSW, at the Erlanger Neuroscience Institute

While the holiday season is fun and positive for many, for caregivers, it can be a time of stress and burnout. We sat down with Sarah Hines, LCSW, at the Erlanger Neuroscience Institute to find out how we can care for those who make it their job to care for others.

Holidays are about celebrating and enjoying time spent with loved ones, not obsessing over your food choices. Here are some tips make food decisions that don’t sacrifice your nutrition and health goals.

Stay Balanced This Holiday Season

Holidays are about celebrating and enjoying time spent with loved ones, not obsessing over your food choices. Here are some tips make food decisions that don’t sacrifice your nutrition and health goals.

The fermentation process keeps foods from going bad by slowing the decomposition of fruits and vegetables while imparting foods with a uniquely satisfying texture and delicious flavor.

Fermentation Nation

The fermentation process keeps foods from going bad by slowing the decomposition of fruits and vegetables while imparting foods with a uniquely satisfying texture and delicious flavor.

Food City has some tips to help you be part of the 8% of people who make and keep their New Year's resolutions this year.

New Year’s Resolutions

While the holiday season is fast-paced and fun, for many it is also a time of self-reflection to get ready for a season of renewal at the start of a new year. This self-reflection often leads to New Year’s resolutions to make a lifestyle change. It is estimated that just 8% of individuals who make resolutions actually keep them.

 Consider focusing on eating more plant-based proteins, even if you do still choose to eat meat.

Incorporate More Plant-Based Proteins

In October, we celebrated Vegetarian Month. As you close out the year, consider focusing on eating more plant-based proteins, even if you do still choose to eat meat!

The solution to your evening mealtime dilemma may be no further than the slow cooker on your kitchen counter. Food City has everything you need for easy and satisifying slow cooker meals.

Slow Cooker Tips for Busy Weeknights

You are finally on your way home from work or an after-school activity, when the inevitable question arises, "What's for dinner?" Oftentimes busyness might make the drive-thru line at fast food look enticing. The solution to your mealtime dilemma may be no further than the slow cooker on your kitchen counter. A slow cooker can be a great resource that allows you to come back at the end of the day to a nice, home-cooked meal.

Food City is proud to be a part of all tables, big and small, this holiday season.

How to Make Sure Only the Turkey Gets Stuffed this Thanksgiving

The holiday season is here again! Thanksgiving is the perfect time to focus on family, friends, and all the other things we have to be thankful for. It’s a time of laughter, celebration, and reconnection.

Food City has some tips to use your leftovers to re-create delicious meals safely.


Thanksgiving is over, but if you are like many families, the holiday lives on for several days through lots and lots of leftovers! Here are some tips to use your leftovers to re-create delicious meals safely.

Eating fruits and vegetables in season is not only fresher and cheaper, but it is more nutritious too! Here are some of our favorite seasonal fruits and vegetables available at your local Food City grocery store.

Fall in Love with Fall Produce

Cooler fall weather brings delicious fall produce. Eating fruits and vegetables in season is not only fresher and cheaper, but it is more nutritious too! What’s in season depends on where you live, but there are few fall favorites that get lots of the attention this time of year.

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month! Learn more about whta you can do to protect yourself and your family from your friends at your local Food City.

Breast Cancer Awareness Month

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month! Learn more about whta you can do to protect yourself and your family from your friends at your local Food City.

 A Nurse Navigator plays a vital role in the care of patients during the initial phases of diagnostic breast screening and possible cancer diagnosis.

Breast Cancer Nurse Navigator

An Interview with Janet Kramer-Mai

Breast Cancer Awareness Month is every October, so we sat down with Janet Kramer-Mai, a Nurse Navigator at the Erlanger Cancer Institute, part of Erlanger Health System, in Chattanooga, TN. A Nurse Navigator plays a vital role in the care of patients during the initial phases of diagnostic breast screening and possible cancer diagnosis. The primary goal being to provide information and education, and hopefully reduce a lot of the stress involved.

This year, enjoy your Halloween festivities while incorporating healthier habits.

Healthy Halloween

October starts the end of the year holiday season, where we all tend to over-indulge.  From Halloween to New Year’s includes trick-or-treating, Thanksgiving dinners, and lots of holiday parties. This is the best time of year to start practicing moderation and mindfulness in your eating pattern

We’re celebrating National Family Meals Month™ at Food City in September, a nationwide event designed to underscore the benefits of family meals and the role we can play in helping your family share one more meal at home per week.

National Family Meals Month

It’s that time of year again! September is National Family Meals Month, a time of year when we all focus on getting back in the kitchen!

The words “healthy” and “tailgate” rarely appear in the same sentence, but with a little help from your local Food City grocery it can.

Planning a Healthier Tailgating

The words “healthy” and “tailgate” rarely appear in the same sentence! Tailgates are known for delicious foods that are typically high in calories, fat and sodium. While enjoying these foods can definitely be a part of an overall healthful eating pattern, it’s important to watch portion sizes and be aware of some ways to lighten up your tailgates while boosting nutrition. Foods that have the tastes you love with extra nutrients are always a win-win!

Learn all about how to keep your family healthy starting with healthy meals at home with Steve Fox MD, a physician at UT Family Practice.

How Too Keep Your Family Healthy

An Interview with Steve Fox, MD

September is National Family Meals Month! We sat down with Steve Fox MD, a physician at UT Family Practice in Erlanger Health System in Chattanooga, to learn all about how to keep your family healthy starting with healthy meals at home.

September is Fruits and Veggies-More Matters Month. Get your fill of fresh produce from your local Food City produce department today.

Produce-Packed Home-Cooked Meals

September is not only National Family Meals Month, it’s also Fruits and Veggies-More Matters Month! Fruits and vegetables are loaded with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and fiber – that’s why they should make up half of your plate at meals!

August is Kids Eat Right Month and an important part of health is serving safe foods to your kids, especially if food allergies are of concern. Learn more about food allergies from your local Food City grocery.

Food Allergies in Kids

August is Kids Eat Right Month and an important part of health is serving safe foods to your kids, especially if food allergies are of concern. About one in 13 children, or roughly two students in every classroom have a food allergy. It is important to be mindful of food allergies when preparing snacks for school events and extracurricular activities or if your child likes to share food!

August is Kids Eat Right Month! Most of the time if kids are involved in the preparation of the food, they will be more likely to eat it!  Food City wants to help you get your kids involved with preparing meals at home.  Learn more about kid-friendly kitchen tasks to help get them involved.

Kid-Friendly Kitchen Tasks

August is Kids Eat Right Month! Most of the time if kids are involved in the preparation of the food, they will be more likely to eat it! It is important to get your kids in the kitchen at a young age and help them master simple cooking skills before they get older and practice more complex ones. The following ideas are age-appropriate tasks to get your kids excited about cooking and eating healthfully!

Sleep is an important part of healthy living for adults and kids! We sat down with David Suhrbier, DO, who specializes in Pediatric Neurology at Erlanger Health System in Chattanooga, to find out to dos and don’ts of promoting restful sleep for your kids.

Promoting Restful Sleep for your Kids

An Interview with David Suhrbier, DO

Sleep is an important part of healthy living for adults and kids! With the new school year fast approaching, many of us will start to focus on getting back into the swing of routines and sleep schedules. We sat down with David Suhrbier, DO, who specializes in Pediatric Neurology at Erlanger Health System in Chattanooga, to find out to dos and don’ts of promoting restful sleep for your kids.

Avoid a never-ending snack time, and focus on planned snacks at home and at after-school events with the following tips from Elizabeth Hall, MS, RDN, LDN, Food City Registered Dietitian.

How to Raise a Smart Snacker

Does it seem like it's always snack time at your house? Snacking is common for adults and kids alike, and can be a healthy bridge to fuel the metabolism between meals. Unplanned grazing, however, can contribute to hunger and satiety issues and eating too many calories overall. Avoid a never-ending snack time, and focus on planned snacks at home and at after-school events with the following tips.

heck out Food City's easy steps for a cookout that’s tasty and good for you.

Summer Grilling

Warmer weather means it time to get outside and get grilling. Grilling is a great way to prepare meats and vegetables that are packed with flavor. Check out our steps for a cookout that’s tasty and good for you.

At Food City, fresh is important. That’s why we have the local growers program which allows us to purchase produce from local farmers to bring delicious fresh produce to our stores for everyone to enjoy!

Summertime is All About Fresh

At Food City, fresh is important. That’s why we have the local growers program which allows us to purchase produce from local farmers to bring delicious fresh produce to our stores for everyone to enjoy!

Make your kids transition back to school easy and healthy with these fun ideas for back to school lunch and quick weeknight meals from your local Food City grocery.

It’s Back to School Time Again

Back to school brings excitement, some stress, and for a lot of us, a much needed shift back to schedules and routines. Get your kiddos back into the swing of things with these fun, easy, and healthy ideas for back to school lunch and quick weeknight meals.

Kick off summer with a road trip full of healthy snack from your local Food City grocery.

Kick off the Summer

Summer vacations are a time to relax, revitalize and enjoy the sights, sounds and tastes of new places. When it comes to maintaining a healthful eating plan on vacation, you can still enjoy the new, fun and exciting foods that come with traveling without overdoing it too much. If a road trip is part of your vacation, packing healthy foods is a great way to get some important nutrients in while arriving to your destination in record time.

Here are some great grilling safety tips from your friends at Food City.

Grilling Food Safety

It’s summertime which means it’s prime grilling season! We often focus on the delicious dishes we are going to create on the grill, but we often forget about cleaning the grill and food safety.

Celebrate Men’s Health Month with healthy eating. Stop by your local Food City grocery, pick up everything you need to make some healthy yet crowd pleasing meals.

Celebrate Men’s Health Month with Healthy Eating

Healthy eating is important for all of us and men are no exception! Food is more than just fuel, and eating the right amount of servings of each food group can prevent men from developing long term diseases and keep them living longer.

June is National Dairy Month at your local Food City grocery store.

Celebrate National Dairy Month

June is National Dairy Month which is the perfect time to brush up on why dairy is an important part of a balanced eating plan. On average, most people need two to three servings of dairy each day to meet vitamin D and calcium recommendations. While this vitamin and mineral are essential for bone health, there are many any roles they play in the body including promoting mental health as well. Dairy foods can be found in abundance in the grocery store, so it’s easy to find lots of delicious ways to enjoy!

Come by and get the freshest summer produce from your home town Food City produce department, where we are picky about our produce.

Produce Picks for Summer

It’s getting hot out and the first official day of summer is just around the corner! Seasonal produce is abundant during the summer months and it’s also a great time to get out-doors, breathe in the fresh air, and get active! Lifestyle habits that include nutritious food choices and physical activity play a strong role in overall health.

Celebrate National Egg month together with Food City. Stop by your local Food City grocery, pick up a carton of Food Club  eggs then try some of these dietitian approved recipes that are sure to please at any meal.

May is National Egg month!

Though small in size, eggs are still full of important nutrients and packed full of protein. Eggs are easy, versatile and great at any meal. Celebrate this month with some of these dietitian approved recipes.

Memorial Day does not have to mean eating unhealthy. Try some of these great ideas when planning your next outdoor spread.

Memorial Day Celebrations

Are you kicking off summer with a food-filled celebration this Memorial Day? While we often think about traditional fare like cheeseburgers or hot dogs, there are actually plenty of ways to enjoy delicious and nutritious foods at your cookout

Pineapple is a great way to add a little extra falir and flavor into any dish. Pump up your Cinco de Mayo party this year with refreshing and healthy pineapple fro your local Food City grocery store.

Cinco de Mayo- A Pineapple Party!

Pump up your Cinco de Mayo party this year with refreshing and healthy pineapple!

While we may not live near the coast of the Mediterranean sea, there are easy ways to include a Mediterranean flare to your meals on a daily basis. Follow these simple tips from Food City's own registered dietitian.

Make it Mediterranean

The Mediterranean lifestyle is often synonymous with health and longevity. While we may not live near the coast of the Mediterranean sea, there are easy ways to include a Mediterranean flare to your meals on a daily basis.

Nutrition plays a huge role in physical health, but it can also affect your mental edge and overall mood. Try adding some “brain foods” to your plate this summer to keep you feeling healthy and happy!

Summer Foods for a Good Mood

Nutrition plays a huge role in physical health, but it can also affect your mental edge and overall mood. Try adding some “brain foods” to your plate this summer to keep you feeling healthy and happy!

At Food City, we have some great tips for you this month to ensure you have a bright and balanced Easter holiday that is healthier too.

A Bright and Balanced Easter Holiday

Warmer weather and blooming flowers mean that Easter is coming soon. We have some great tips for you this month to ensure you have a bright and balanced Easter holiday that is healthier too.

Spring is in the air! Spring is a perfect time to hit the reset button, focus on healthy eating and add fresh seasonal fruits and vegetables to your to our daily routine.

Spring Foods Bring Renewal and Restoration

Spring is in the air! Spring is a time for renewal and to restore healthy habits that may have slacked during the long winter months. When we talk about healthy eating, we often focus on what not to eat instead of highlighting foods we should be adding to our daily routine. Spring is a perfect time to hit the reset button and add these spring fruits and vegetables to your plate.

Making meals at home gives you more control over the nutrition in your food and can be better for your budget. Use these simple tips to add flavor to your meals.

Add More Flavor to Your Meals

Making meals at home gives you more control over the nutrition in your food and can be better for your budget. However, most of us choose foods based on taste. How can you add more flavor to your meals at home to compete with the intense flavors of restaurant foods? Try these tips to keep your meals healthy and satisfying while keeping taste a top priority.

Keep your food safe, fresh and delicious with a little help from your local Food City grocery store.

Keep Your Lunches Safe

If you pack a lunch for work or school, do you think about food safety? Half of Americans admit that they often leave their lunch boxes out of the refrigerator even though they include perishable foods. If you throw your lunch in a non-insulated bag without an ice pack and leave it out of refrigeration for more than one to two hours, your food is at risk of being contaminated with microorganisms. As the weather gets warmer, the risk of foodborne illness gets higher, making it very important to refrigerate promptly.

March 27, 2019 is Whole Grains Sampling Day!  Head to your local Food City and pick up your favorite whole grains to celebrate.

Whole Grains Sampling Day

Sample Some Quinoa!

March 27, 2019 is Whole Grains Sampling Day! Whole grains are loaded with vitamins, minerals, and fiber to help keep you fuller longer and promote a healthy digestive tract. While most of us think of whole grain bread, whole wheat pasta, or brown rice as whole grain options, quinoa is gaining popularity in Americans’ diets for its versatility and health benefits.

This year, serve up a fun and festive spread by going green with your food as well. Celebrate t. Patrick’s Day with a little help from your local Food City grocery store.

Go Green for St. Patrick’s Day

We celebrate St. Patrick’s Day with parades, special foods, and by wearing green of course! This year, serve up a fun and festive spread by going green with your food as well.

A great way to enjoy fresh, frozen, canned, or dried produce is in a delicious smoothie bowl, a trendy way to enjoy a classic smoothie with a spoon and crunchy toppings. iGrab some ingredients at your local Food City and start belnding.

Step into Spring with Smothie Bowls

Spring brings warmer weather, greenery, flowers, and of course, seasonal fruits and vegetables! A great way to enjoy fresh, frozen, canned, or dried produce is in a delicious smoothie bowl, a trendy way to enjoy a classic smoothie with a spoon and crunchy toppings.

Celebrate National Nutrition Month this March by getting back to the basics with these general principles for healthy living from your freinds at Food City.

National Nutrition Month®

Reaching your health goals can seem like a daunting task. Celebrate National Nutrition Month® this March by getting back to the basics with these general principles for healthy living.

Tailgate heathier this year. You can still have a great time and good eats without feeling guilty about the food choices you make before the big game.

Celebrate the Big Game in a Healthier Way

One of the biggest sports events of the year is coming. Traditional football snacks may not necessarily be the healthiest. Don’t worry, your game day spread is about to get so much more delicious and healthier.

Heart disease remains the number one cause of death in the U.S.; therefore, it is important that we take care and protect our hearts. Get tips on how to protect your heart.

Lead with Your Heart: Tips to a Healthy Heart

We all know that February is all about hearts, but I’m not talking about Valentine’s Day and heart shaped candy boxes. February is American Heart Month! Heart disease remains the number one cause of death in the U.S.; therefore, it is important that we take care and protect our hearts.

Find all the fresh herbs you can ever want at your local Food City.

5 Herbs Every Cook Should Use

There are many delicious, fresh foods that require little tinkering with flavor. One way to lighten up and enhance recipes is through the addition of spices, herbs or other flavorings.

It’s National Canned Foods Month! Canned foods help get food from the farm to your family’s table with a little help from your local Food City.

Cans Get You Cooking

It’s National Canned Foods Month! Canned foods help get food from the farm to your family’s table. The canning process locks in a foods' freshness until you’re ready to get cooking. Canned foods are Nutritious, Easy and Affordable.

Food City Registered Dietitian Elizabeth Hall has put together 9 Health and Nutrition tips to help you get your New Year started off on the right track.

Health & Nutrition Tips for 2019

Food City Registered Dietitian Elizabeth Hall has put together 9 Health and Nutrition tips to help you get your New Year started off on the right track.

Kick off the new year with positive vibes by including a variety of produce items in your shopping cart at your local Food City.

Get Happy with more Fruit and Veggies!

Kick off the New Year with positive vibes.

When the temperatures drop and the days are shorter, energy levels can deplete as well, along with mood. We tend to be less active in the colder months, which can also dampen an upbeat mood. Kick off the new year with positive vibes by including a variety of produce items in your shopping cart. 

As we enter a new year, it is easy to get caught up in the popular tradition of New Year’s Resolutions. Skip drastic life-altering resolutions and focus on simple healthy habits instead.

New Year Diet Resolutions are Out

Healthy Habits are In

As we enter a new year, it is easy to get caught up in the popular tradition of New Year’s Resolutions. Year after year the same resolution cycle occurs; we make drastic, life-altering goals and by February most have given up completely. In fact, in 2018 only 9.2% of people were still committed to a resolution past the first month.

National Blueberry Pancake Day is January 28! Blueberry pancakes are a wonderful treat to enjoy anytime of the day.

Celebrate National Blueberry Pancake Day

National Blueberry Pancake Day is January 28! Blueberry pancakes are a wonderful treat to enjoy anytime of the day. They are nutritious enough to eat for breakfast, tasty enough for a mid-day snack, and easy enough to make for dinner. Here are some tips to help you get ready for National Blueberry Pancake Day.

You’ve heard that healthy eating is all about balance. Let’s shed some light on each food group’s role in the body to prove that balance is best.

Balance is Best

You’ve heard that healthy eating is all about balance. Let’s shed some light on each food group’s role in the body to prove that balance is best.

It’s the most wonderful time of the year, filled with fond memories of family, friends, and of course, food. With just a few strategies, you can eat healthfully and still enjoy your friends, family and the feast safely.

Holiday Food Safety

The Flu isn’t the only thing that can make us sick this time of year. Food is an integral part of the holiday season, but using proper food safety is key to making sure your meals are delicious and safe.

The holiday season is in full swing! Bright red and green decorations adorn our homes and communities, but it’s a good idea to use these colors to build a festive holiday plate as well.

Build a Festive Holiday Plate

The holiday season is in full swing! Bright red and green decorations adorn our homes and communities, but it’s a good idea to use these colors to build a festive holiday plate as well.

It’s important throughout the holidays, and all year long, to live more sustainably and produce less food waste.

Avoiding Food Waste

This time of year, food is abundant for many of us. Between holiday parties, school and work events, and family get-togethers, you may find yourself with excess food that you don’t know what to do with. Forty percent of food in America gets trashed every year, often because we cook meals that are too big or don’t store food properly. It’s important throughout the holidays, and all year long, to live more sustainably and produce less food waste.

The end of the year and the start of a new one brings a time of reflection leading to the development of New Year’s resolutions. It is estimated that just 8% of individuals who make resolutions actually keep them.

How to Make and Keep Your New Year’s Resolutions

The end of the year and the start of a new one brings a time of reflection leading to the development of New Year’s resolutions. It is estimated that just 8% of individuals who make resolutions actually keep them.

Pumpkins are not only tasty, but they are nutritious too! Come by your local Food City grocery store today and check out our great Fall rpoduce selection.

Welcome to Fall... Produce

Pumpkin season is upon us

Fall is here! Crisp autumn air and fall foliage are often accompanied with delicious fall produce, the most famous of which are pumpkins! Pumpkins are everywhere this time of year - in lattes, breads, muffins, and pies. Pumpkins are not only tasty, but they are nutritious too! Pumpkins are fat free, sodium free, and low in calories.

With a few simple steps and a little help from your local Food City grocery, you can create a delicious soup to warm you up on a cold day.

Create Your Own Soup

Creating your own soup is an easy way to get a meal on the table and use up any straggling vegetables that are about to go to waste. With a few simple steps you can create a delicious soup to warm you up on a cold day.

October 29 is National Oatmeal Day. You may not think celebrating this humble breakfast dish is warranted, but after discovering all the health benefits, you may change your mind and realize that oatmeal is worthy of its own day.

Celebrate National Oatmeal Day!

When we think about October, we may think about Halloween, treats, and parties, but there is another day to celebrate: National Oatmeal Day! You may not think celebrating this humble breakfast dish is warranted, but after discovering all the health benefits, you may change your mind and realize that oatmeal is worthy of its own day. Here are some reasons to enjoy oatmeal, not just on October 29, but all year long.

It’s October and that means it is Breast Cancer Awareness Month!

Breast Cancer Awareness Month

It’s October and that means it is Breast Cancer Awareness Month! Excluding skin cancer, more women are diagnosed with breast cancer than any other form. The American Cancer Society estimates that 41,400 deaths (40,920 women and 480 men) will occur from breast cancer this year.

Join with the Food City Wellness Club to help keep this Halloween Healthy and Happy for your whole family.

Tips for a Happy and Healthy Halloween

Halloween is a fun day full of costumes, parties, and of course, candy! It is also a great opportunity to teach kids to enjoy special treats in moderation as a part of an overall healthy diet. Here are a few tips to keep your Halloween both happy and healthy.

September is National Family Meals Month. We want to help your family eat well and be well together!

September is National Family Meals Month

We want to help your family eat well and be well together!

Researchers and health experts agree that family meals produce lifelong benefits! Studies show that families who take the time to eat together at home are not only happier, but healthier as well. Regular family meals are linked to positive outcomes for kids including better grades, higher self-esteem, healthier eating habits, and less risky behaviors. Home-cooked meals nourish the spirit, brain, and health of all family members

Tailgate heathier this year. You can still have a great time and good eats without feeling guilty about the food choices you make before the big game.

Healthier Tailgating

Every good tailgating party always involves delicious foods that are typically high in calories, fat and sodium. You can still have a great time and good eats without feeling guilty about the food choices you make before the big game.

It’s five o’clock and you’re finally on your way home when the inevitable question arises, “What’s for dinner?” The solution may be no further than the slow cooker on your kitchen counter.

Slow Cooker Tips for Busy Weeknights

It’s five o’clock and you’re finally on your way home when the inevitable question arises, “What’s for dinner?” The solution may be no further than the slow cooker on your kitchen counter.

Flu season is upon us! Good nutrition and frequent exercise is essential to a strong and healthy immune system.

Immune Boosting Nutrition

Flu season is upon us! Good nutrition and frequent exercise is essential to a strong and healthy immune system. You can protect yourself against infection and boost your immunity by including these nutrients in your eating plan.

August is Kids Eat Right Month! This is the perfect time to focus on incorporating more healthy foods into your child’s meal patterns, including fruits and vegetables

Deceptively Delicious

August is Kids Eat Right Month! This is the perfect time to focus on incorporating more healthy foods into your child’s meal patterns, including fruits and vegetables.

Sugar often gets a bad reputation, but it is actually, very important to body functioning. Sugars come in different forms in food, specifically naturally occurring or added sugars.

Sugar Shockers

Sugar often gets a bad reputation, but it is actually, very important to body functioning. Sugars come in different forms in food, specifically naturally occurring or added sugars.

Help your kids get back into the swing of things by planning nourishing lunches that keep them energized and focused at school.

Healthy Habits for Back-To-School

Back-to-school brings lots of excitement and some stress too. For many of us, back-to-school means back to regular schedules and routines; and mealtimes are no exception. Help your kids get back into the swing of things by planning nourishing lunches that keep them energized and focused at school.

Snacking is common for adults and kids alike, and can be a healthy bridge to fuel the metabolism between meals.

Be a Smart Snacker

Snacking is common for adults and kids alike, and can be a healthy bridge to fuel the metabolism between meals. Unplanned grazing, however, can contribute to hunger and satiety issues and eating too many calories overall.

At Food City, we purchase produce from local farmers so you get the freshest and most nutritious food for your family’s table.

Locally Grown

We all know fruits and vegetables are good for us, but local produce is even better! At Food City, we purchase produce from local farmers so you get the freshest and most nutritious food for your family’s table.

Fire Up The Grill and eat healthier at the same time this summer.

Fire Up The Grill

Warmer weather means it's time to get out of the kitchen and fire up the barbecue. Grilling is a great way to prepare meats and vegetables that are packed with flavor and often lower in fat.We have some simple tips to help you cookout a little healtier.

When it comes to maintaining a healthful eating plan on vacation, you can still enjoy the new, fun and exciting foods that come with traveling without feeling bad about eating differently than normal.

Eating Smart on Vacation

It is a time to relax, get rejuvenated, and enjoy the sights, sounds and tastes of new places. When it comes to maintaining a healthful eating plan on vacation, you can still enjoy the new, fun and exciting foods that come with traveling without feeling bad about eating differently than normal.

A Fourth of July cookout is the perfect place to honor all of the traditional, healthy, and delicious food grown in the United States. Celebrate the United “Tastes” of America with healthy sauces and sides for the 4th of July.

Celebrate the United “Tastes” of America

A Fourth of July cookout is the perfect place to honor all of the traditional, healthy, and delicious food grown in the United States. Celebrate the United “Tastes” of America with healthy sauces and sides for the 4th of July.

Vitamin D is a growing nutrient of concern for many Americans. Dairy isn’t the only source of Vitamin D.  Did you know that mushrooms can be a source of vitamin D  as well?

Solving the Vitamin D Mystery

with Mushrooms

Vitamin D is a growing nutrient of concern for many Americans. Dairy isn’t the only source of Vitamin D. Did you know that mushrooms can be a source of vitamin D
as well?

June is Men's Health Month and it has never been a better time for men to focus on their health.

June is Men's Health Month

June is Men’s Health Month! This month is about heightening awareness of preventable health problems that affect men and encouraging early detection and treatment of disease. It has never been a better time for men to focus on their health.

The beginning of summer brings the unofficial start of grilling season and a delicious spread of seasonal produce. Spice up any cookout by adding fruits and vegetables to the menu.

Grilling Season is HERE!

The beginning of summer brings the unofficial start of grilling season and a delicious spread of seasonal produce. Spice up any cookout by adding fruits and vegetables to the menu.

June is National Dairy Month! With a little help from your local Food City, getting all the dairy you need is easy.

Don’t forget the dairy!

June is National Dairy Month

Most of us should be getting two to three servings of dairy each day to meet our calcium and vitamin D needs for bone health. Dairy foods dominate the shelves at the grocery store, so it’s easy to find lots of delicious ways to enjoy diary as a part of a healthy lifestyle.

With a little help from your local Food City, celebrating Mom in a healthy way is easy.

Celebrate Mother’s Day the Healthy Way

Moms everywhere deserve special treatment on Mother’s Day. Your mom wants you to be healthy, so planning some healthy activities for Mother’s Day could be a great way to celebrate.

May is mental health month and Food City is here to show how your food can enhance your mood. Stock up on brain food this month at your local Food City grocery.

Food and Mood

May is Mental Health Month!

Nutrition plays a huge role in physical health, but it can also affect your mental edge and overall mood. Incorporate plenty of “brain foods” on your plate to keep you feeling healthy and happy this spring!

Strawberry season is here and Food City has your favorite locally grown strawberries in stores this May.

Have a Very Berry Spring

local berries are now in stores

Red, sweet, juicy strawberries are one healthy fruit that you won't have any trouble getting your child to eat. Strawberries are one of America's most loved fruits, with the average American consuming eight pounds per year. With strawberry season fast approaching, you’ll have plenty of opportunities to enjoy this nutrient-packed fruit while supporting local farmers this spring.

The Mediterranean-style of eating is less of a “diet” and more of a lifestyle that can be beneficial for adults and kids of any age. Food City has everything you need for living healthy and well.

Make it Mediterranean

May is Mediterranean Diet Month!

Most of us have heard about the Mediterranean diet and its positive effect on longevity and health. The Mediterranean-style of eating is less of a “diet” and more of a lifestyle that can be beneficial for adults and kids of any age.